Until you are ready and hungry enough for what you desire you won’t stop looking for excuses to justify your indecisions and inactions.
For you that your excuse for not starting affiliate marketing or any other business that deals with selling products and services is you don’t have people to sell it to, is that excuse valid enough to stop you from the financial freedom that you desire?
If other people can build their list from zero to 2000k views and more why do you think you can’t? Or do you think it’s luck or grace of God?
Let me share a friend's story…
“After my school project in May, I decided to take a training on how to build an audience on WhatsApp. I then started audience building in May and after 5 months I was having more than 1000 views per WhatsApp post. Then I started marketing and selling products.
Then the real bad thing happened a month after I started. My sim card was damaged so I lost my contacts in late March this year so I was just left with 15 views per post. It was really a horrible experience but I didn’t allow it to get to me. So I dumped my phone and focused on my final exams as I wasn’t ready for double frustration. After my exams, I picked up my phone and started rebuilding, and today I have surpassed my previews views per post. One big lesson I have learnt from starting affiliate marketing is that I can get whatever result I desire if at all I want it. So when I started, one of the first excuses I gave myself was that I didn’t have people to sell to because I only had just 100 contacts comprising of just my coursemates and relatives. Thankfully I overcame that with the training, applying what I learnt and persevering in difficult times.”
So what’s your excuse for not starting that business? And what have you done about it?
There is a guy from a remote village who can’t speak English fluently, he barely constructs a simple sentence. But this guy is genuinely making huge money monthly. So what is your excuse?
Anybody can do whatever he or she decides to do. The day you take your stand and decide to cause a shift in your life that very day things will begin to change.
My point is that people making shit loads of money in this online space are not as smart as you. If someone who was in grave debt can get out of that shit you can too.
Don’t think people are making money online because they are brilliant. To make money you don’t need to be very brilliant. Making money only requires 5% brain work and 95% consistency.
If people who graduated with third class and those who didn’t go to school are genuinely making millions online you too can. The only thing you need to do is get rid of your fears, decide to take a step forward and take action.
Thought of the day: the more you hate on the rich the poorer you become. You can’t be what you hate so just pick a side.
This philosophy can literally apply to almost anything. Dreams remain dreams if we never wake up to achieve them. It really is that simple.