Take the Long View

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2 years ago
Topics: Decisions

The decisions you make today will shape your future.

As you read this, there are two things that are true:

1. You are alive and breathing.

2. You woke up this morning and made a decision about the way your life is going to go today.

The decisions you make today will shape your future. Whether or not that future involves a happy marriage and kids in your lap, or if it's full of endless nights spent drinking too much, making poor choices, and wondering how you got where you are now… all of it is going to be because of what you decide today.

And so here's the question: What kind of person do you want to be? What kind of person do you want to become? How will this decision shape your future?

You can't always control the path that your life takes, but you can control how you spend your time. The decisions you make today are going to shape your future, so it's important to take the long view.

All of the choices we make have consequences, and those consequences will affect not only our present selves but also our future selves.

When you're making big decisions, it's easy to get caught up in the moment. And while it might seem like your choices are limited by your current situation, there are always broader consequences of your actions—and it's important to take a long view.

We've all heard that we should "live in the moment," but what does that actually mean? For most of us, it means we're focused on what's happening right now: our next meal, our next vacation, or even just our next meeting. We spend so much time living in the now that we forget about what comes after—and we forget about how decisions made today will shape our future.

When you think about how decisions made today affect your future, they seem less like simple choices and more like major life decisions—like whether or not you want kids or a mortgage down payment or whether you want to move cities for work. The fact is: if you don't take a long view when making these kinds of big choices (or any other kind), then the consequences could be huge!

Every decision you make has the potential to shape your future. And that's not just because you're making them for yourself. Every decision you make is also shaping the lives of people around you, whether they're a friend or a stranger.

That's why it's so important to take the long view when making decisions. Look at what's happening with the people around you and how those choices might affect their lives. What kind of person do they want to be? What kind of person do they want to be around? How will your choice affect their quality of life?

You can't always be right, but you can always be aware—and conscious—of what's going on around you, and how those choices will affect others' lives as well as your own. That's how we build communities that last!

It seems like everyone has their own idea of what the perfect life looks like. Some people believe they can achieve financial freedom by working less, spending more time at home with family, and traveling the world. Others dream of retiring early and living off their savings.

How important is it to take time to plan ahead? Many people believe that they should focus only on the present moment and try their hardest to achieve their goals now.

Planning is essential in life. Whether it’s starting a new job or buying a house, things always seem easier when you map out the steps beforehand. This approach will also come in handy when setting goals.

Planning is crucial when you want to succeed at something. As you go through life, you will encounter obstacles along the way. If you don’t prepare for them, you’re likely to get frustrated and give up.

But who really knows what the future holds? There is no guarantee that your current situation, habits, and lifestyle will remain unchanged over the next ten years. If you want to create the life you desire, start now. Make decisions that will impact your life positively tomorrow.

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Avatar for Knowhere
2 years ago
Topics: Decisions


doing bad things often makes us unconscious, eventually we get used to doing it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Every decision we make today affectives our tomorrow and future. So we have to be careful with what we do today, because we get to live with the consequences.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Reason we need to strive hard to make good decisions to pave way for a happy future.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Our past determine our future but efforts and dreams matters alot while shaping your future

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Putting in the right amount of effort in the right place and intentionally working towards our dreams, will likely create a happy future for us.

$ 0.00
2 years ago