"Greatest job of all"is being a mother

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2 years ago

Being a mother has a different task,to do some of them are difficult and some of it are easy but being a mother has a goal to clean and make the home tidy all the time, and also clothes have to laundry.being a mother has no day off even once ,no excuses even if the mother is sick, still the house chores have to be done daily.being a mother has no salary per hour nor per month,but most of mothers still doing their obligation to their family especially to the children and to the husband.its really hard to define what really mothers do in thier life here on earth.but as a mother me my self I always continue my house work daily even my body is painful and tired. I didn't complain any of it because I'm a mother I have to be strong all the time especially for my children.

Being a mother no time to relax because she have finished all the house chores daily and she even has a house chores list so that no work to be missed.many people cannot understand how really is it to be come a full time mother.especially when you cannot take care of yourself because of many things to be accomplished they jugde you as a dirty mother and no self care .being a mother has the greatest difficult duties in life ,you don't have any boss but can't day off,no salary,no insurance and sometimes lack of love from the family or we can say from the husband she had.most of the husband doesn't really know what's happening inside the house when they are in the work outside they are not really thinking that it's really hard to be a wife or to be a mother that always at home doing things to have a good tidy home .have tasty and delicious foods to serve when the children and the husband arrived at home from work.

It's really hard to be come a mother especially when you're giving birth and having a long time labour because you are feeling the unexplainable pain you've experiencing that moment.all men says this question that "why woman is very dramatic when giving birth" they don't know it's not only being dramatic it's we are enduring the pain for the sake of my child ,that's why it's very hurt to a mother when their children grow up and only fight back to them when the parents trying to discipline them from their bad behavior and attitude.being a mother has a lots of pain to endure here in their life while she's alive and strong, even she's stressed out and exhausted from the newborn baby all the time mothers always do their best for their family

The labour pain giving birth

But I'm telling here also that not all mother's are good and doing their obligation and responsibilities some of mothers are neglecting their family, children and house chores.most of this kind mothers are out to their friends to attend some parties and get together with her friends.and drinking Alcoholic drink and smoking some of them using drugs, and when they come home their out of her self and the first child will be the one to take care of her ,it's now opposite, it has to be the mother will takcare of her children.some of mothers sell their child like a whole pigs for the sake of money,some of them put for adaption or some of them leave the children in orphanage, some mother kill their own children, because of depression or uncured depression.or some mother is always outside going to some dates and neglect her children at home,

That's why we have to be thankful for our own mother if she's a kind of a good mother that is doing good obligation to her children and his husband or shall we say a one whole package of being a good mother, anyone who read this article please say to your mother "thank you for everything you've sacrifice and doing the good obligation for us we love mama

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2 years ago
