The good old days of NTA, Nigeria.

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Avatar for Klismannm12
3 years ago

NTA broadcasting network is officially the Nigeria national television.Its main function is to always get the Over 200milion people living in Nigeria updated on the day to day running of the Government,the moves being made by powers that be, but it doesn't end at just the movements of the government,it also brings with it some entertainment programs to ease the burdens of the Nigerian populace after work as the time for airing a particular program could be.

This takes us straight to the topic of the day,we will be looking at all the various programs that made us fell in love with this news broadcasting network,let's start with the popular comedy series called PAPA AJASCO .

This aforementioned tv drama put smiles on the faces of so many Nigerians, it was a drama that I could easily give up my next meal just to make sure that I watched it.laughing and watching this wonderful drama went hand in hand that one could be thought to be mad by maybe some foreign who has not seen or watched the was mainly about the four lead characters;papa AJASCO,mama AJASCO,their gate man and thier son who was synonymous for putting on a spectacle with two lens.This wonderful drama was made possible to err one our television screen by the wale adele production company.what happened to that made them stop airing this comic drama is what I'm yet to figure out.

Next in the line is titled SUPER STORY

This one was a killer back in the days,it was full of suspense,love, betrayal and everything that revolved around life . though emotional,the brand still made sure that it was a series one wouldn't think of missing the next round as it was mostly aired at night.I personally enjoy watching this drama as u could hardly see someone outside while the drama was going on.

Next on the line is face to face

This one was a killer,it was centered on the landlord and his tenants, automatically a Nigerian face me I slap you wahala.the long que early in the morning while going to the toilets and bathroom was something else.wahala for who no watch this wonderful edifying comic drama,I was particularly interested in the song lol.

Then came tinsel, though I have forgotten what this was all about never the less I still enjoyed it to the fullest,the beautiful characters,the nice sitting rooms and all of that,it was a drama that needed one not to miss.

Who still remembers the fridays show titled TALES BY MOONLIGHT that takes place on NTA by 5pm and ends by some minutes to 6.This one came in form of a story being told then by one baba, children would gather round him to tell them a story and then he would usher then in with us the viewers joining by watching it instead of baba telling it with his mouth.This one made me avoided going any where the moment it's 4:50pm ,I would start praying for light to come so I could watch it,a day missed was like something was removed from my body.Some of the stories told then are still fresh in my memory.

Then came the days of yet another programe which was educational, titled WHO WANTS TO TAKE A STEP.It was a competition on maths and vocational courses among schools aired on the national television every Sunday by I think 12pm or 1pm.I remembered getting out my pen and paper ready so I could solve along with them,I had some nice time watching all of those.

Then Maltina dance where the participants took part in dancing competition,with the winner going home with some mouth watering gifts,this was followed suit by MTN project fame where. a lots of music stars that we have today currently came out too from.The likes of Chidinma,Iyanyan,praize and so many others.

Then the Golder Ultimate search where participants are asked to look for a hidden item which the person who finds it goes home smiling.

All of these then urchered us into one of the best if not the best educative program joined with a bit of entertainment blended with suspense all through.

Gentle men and gentlemen in skirts we are talking about the famous WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE with Frank Edoh as the questionnaire,I could remember the day one answered a the questions correctly and went home with the complete cash.It was really a great night to remember.This program taught us too many educational contents but I still feel bad when ever I remember that it is no longer aired on the television again.

I conclude by pleading to the powers that be to bring back some of these programmes especially The latter with their let's go on a break palaver lol, who wants to be a millionaire.pls subscribe ooh.

$ 6.39
$ 6.39 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Klismannm12
3 years ago


You're right, in fact, entertainment is something that goes with people, but I haven't read it. Government live television is not the goal of many. People are good, you can be good, you can learn, you can continue, we should always highlight all of them. Thank you very much.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

The day I will never forget is papa ajasco, super story and this life

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Brilliant one

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Bro pls stop writing short comments

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Amazingly written

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This channel likes alot of news, news channel.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Old day NTA was more entertaining and informative. I can remember planning not to miss Thursday's super story

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Papa ajasco was very popular among the Nigerian populace

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That's great to see them are growing so fast, their technology and broadcast are developing day by day. You article explained it so well. Good writing

$ 0.00
3 years ago