The Continuation....

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Avatar for Klarisse
2 years ago
Sponsors of Klarisse

My last semestral in college....

Dec 29 when I got a high fever and having. Severe head pain ng auntie and mom thought I was having sa dengue or thaifoid fever and I am complaining have a severe head pain, a pain thats you feel a knife is going to your brain and smashing my brain. Till my doctor requested to undergo a MRI.

The reault makes my world and dreams collapse. Which they found out I have a rare condition that the Philippines doesn't have available med. 😥

Which my doctor advice me to stop finishing my degree and will cost me death if I push my self to the limit. I kept silent while hearing it, only that runs in my mind why? I have lot of dreams. While going home, I kept silent thinking where did I get it, why I have this kind of condition. When we got home, and eat my dinner, my tears fell down and starter to cry. I can't accept what is happening to me. I can't accept why I have this kind of condition. I can't accept that all my dreams will be gone because of this illness. Even I have this illness, I still finish my degree and continue what I want. Besides my Neuro Doctor told me to enjoy my life cause I am a walking time bomb.

Buti everything change to my plan and dreams. But what change more is my courage to fight and earn to make my self cured on the illness what I have.

Even my doctors said not allowed to ride a plane cause it will cause me severe pain and probability being dead not stop me to try riding a palne 😂😅. Only that runs in my mind at least I try to ride rather not trying. If dead, dead if not it's good at least I know what will be my next aim, that to earn able to cure myself.

To cut the story short about my illness till now I am still earning and thank to my friend who introduce me at

Lets back to the story of my life regarding to my mom and brother...😣 We never had a good terms. I am welcome if they got some panny on me, but If no penny from me I am useless to them. They don't even talk to me and ask how am I.

I am really thankful to not just because I am eanring extra to added on my savings, but even here I have someone to talk with. Havings new friends and ganing some knowledge. And because of I feel relax and stress free.

What Iearned in my life are the following:

  • Be strong

  • Positivity

  • Don't loose hope

  • Keep smiling and everything be solved

  • Set a Plane A, Plan B and Plan C

  • Don't stop searching for an answer

  • Asking question is free, it wont kill you if you ask.

  • Everything be learned

  • Life is short

Right now besides writing an article,I also work online and also playing crypto currency which helps me alot to earn.

I know someday everything be okay. Just keep beleiving and fighting that everything be finish.

Life is short which weeked doesnt know what will happen. All I know is to enjoy the life what weeked have and do good to others able good karam comes to you.

God above wont give is trials if weeked can't handle it. Just keep holding and have faith to him.

Now I have a online diary where I cna share my thoughts and feelings. Thank you so much and you help amout of people. Keep your platform stay long.👏👏👏👏

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$ 0.01 from @Jay997
Sponsors of Klarisse
Avatar for Klarisse
2 years ago


Tama ka diyan makakatulong ito kung wala kang masabihan puede mo isulat dito

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Tama kaya ang ganda ng platform.sana long term

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oo mahigit na itong isang taon noon yatang August

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sana ang tuloy tuloy na

$ 0.00
2 years ago