Always think carefully before you act

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3 years ago

Irene was mother of two girls and she was pregnant for the third time. She was happy to have another child. They had no financial problem; in fact they led a luxurious house. Her husband was also good man and was also waiting for his son.

One day one of the friends of Irene came to their place. She was nine month pregnant and her friend told her that pregnancy looked good on her. She asked if that was the third time. She smiled and said yes. She also said that they hoped their girls would have a brother this time.

The girls were happy. And suddenly she heard a voice of her husband. He just returned and saw her discussing this. He insisted that he needed an heir and Irene had to give birth to a boy or....

She was scared and asked "Or what?" He got angry and said that or he would kick her out of the house without a penny. He asked her if she had understood it. Irene cried at her husband's rough behave and exclaimed that he was terrible.

She was about to leave the living room but she was not capable of bearing too much stress. She got into labor and soon was taken to the hospital.

The doctor requested her not to worry. She got angry because she was still in pressure as she couldn't think what would happen to her if she gave birth to a girl. Moreover she was in labor. She couldn't hold her back and asked him how she supposed not to be worried.

And she gave birth. Her husband was not there and she became so sad thinking about her fate. Yes she gave birth to a girl. The nurse came to her holding the cute little baby and told Irene that there was her daughter. The nurse exclaimed that the baby looked just like the mom. She also said that it had the same birth mark as Irene had on her face.

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Irene took the baby in her lap and said why it was a girl. She also said that he husband would not forgive her. She started to cry.

Soon she heard two nurses talking about another woman in the hospital. They pointed at that woman and said that she had got such a handsome boy. This hit Irene and she thought it was her only chance to live. And she was waiting when the ward would be silent and everyone would be sleeping.

And that night when everyone left and the other woman was sleeping, Irene stood up with her girl. She saw the boy sleeping by her mom. She said goodbye to her daughter and exchanged it with the boy. She whispered to that girl that she was sorry but she had no choice. She wished her to be happy.

The next day, she was released and her husband came to receive her. He could learn that he had got a baby boy and he was on the moon. He told her that he had made her so happy. He exclaimed that he couldn't believe he finally had a son. Irene said too that she couldn't believe it either.

20 years later.....

It was the birthday of the boy. Irene, her husband and their daughter celebrated the birthday. It was a picture of a happy family. The father said that they loved the boy so much. They all wished him and presented him lots of gifts.

But the best gift he got was from his father. He was now taken to work and had his own office. The father took him to show everything in the next day. He asked his son John how he liked his new workplace. He replied that he couldn't wait to start working. The father said that all of that was his.

And after this John started going to work in his own office. One day he was leaving the office building and suddenly hit a girl. Jack's all the documents fell down and the girl bow down to pick them up. She also said sorry. But Jack was watching something more.

He got in love with the girl in his first sight. He introduced himself and she did too. Her name was Stacy. After this it didn't take longer for them to be in deep love. They often had their time together. Stacy said that it felt so good to be with him. And Jack said that he loved her. He told her that he would like to introduce her to his parents.

Stacy was so excited when she met with his parents. She went in their place. Jack's mother asked her what her parents did. She replied that they were elementary school teachers. This made Irene and her husband to be worried and they both made their decision.

Irene took her son aside and told him that Stacy was not a good match for you. The reason she behind it was Stacy's poverty. But Jack said that he didn't care because he loved her. And they could not take any final decision after this.

Irene decided to find out what Stacy's up to. She browsed the social media and got her account. She saw every photo from her. And she could remember something. That face was seemed to be familiar to her. And the birthmark in her face. It was similar to her!

She also could know Stacy and Jack were born on the same day. And then she saw the photo of Stacy as a baby. Yes, it was that baby she exchanged with another woman in the hospital. She again thought was Stacy her daughter. But she also thought how that was possible.

She felt so sorry and so she immediately called Jack and Stacy in the living room. She told everything to them and both of them became angry. Jack said that he would never forgive her. Stacy also said that Irene was not her mother and she would never call her so. She cleared her that she had real parents.

After this Jack and Stacy left Irene. Irene tried to stop them saying that it was a mistake. She requested them to forgive her and give her a second chance. But Jack replied that some things can never be forgiven and then both of them left. Irene had nothing to do except crying.

Stacy and Jack was walking out from the house and she asked him if he regretted it. He smiled and said that he didn't. In fact they were meant to meet each other! He said to her that she was all he needed to be happy. And they hugged with love.

Some acts can't be forgiven and some people don't deserve a second chance. Always think carefully before you act!

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3 years ago
