Affection is enough to wake up a life

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3 years ago

Today I am going to share a true story of Sumona Taru Shila. She was a medical student and later joined in a medical as a professor. Now I will tell the story of her life and one of her students that changed one's life. Let's listen the story form Shila.

I always liked the teaching profession. When I joined to this medical I felt so good. When I taught the students, I felt like they are my own kids. It gave me much pleasure and made me proud too. While teaching and taking feedback I do eye contact with them and thus I noticed a boy, Robin who always sat on the back bench. Whenever we had eye contacts, he moved his eye to somewhere else. I noticed it for several days and then one day asked him...

"Hi child, stand up. You yes, you."

He stood up in fear and then I asked, "Can you answer the question?"

He asked, "Which question ma'am?"

I got angry and said, "You haven't listened to anything that I have taught now?"

He didn't reply. Just stood up in shame silently. I ordered him to be attentive in my class. Also told that I would ask him a question everyday. The student who are sincere are not my headache. But the students like Robin needs extra care to do well.

After this incident everyday I asked him questions. At first he couldn't answer but as the time went he did bit improvement. While taking attendance I noticed that he was not student of that session. His session was going 2 years ago from then.

One day I asked a hard question to the class and there was no one to who could answer it perfectly. So, I didn't asked it to Robin. But I got surprised when he stood up himself and answer the question correctly.

I became happy and amazed. I told him, "My child, do you know you are a genius?" Robin became happy and became bit ashamed.

I told this incident to my senior colleague Nila ma'am. She said, "You are new here. But I am working here for last 20 years. And I have not found a student more genius than Robin. He always had a record marks in every exam. But 2 years ago his parents died suddenly. Robin was their only child. He couldn't accept his parents' premature death. He didn't talk with anyone, didn't come to college. We had tried much and contacted with his relatives to come his back to the campus. But didn't came. He himself then return before 3 months. But still can't be attentive to studies."

I became very sad hearing Robin's story. I checked the previous exams marks. And in every exam he had done excellent. I didn't know when I felt much affection for Robin. I knew I couldn't love him like his mother. But I would continuously try.

Robin became attentive again and got his forms back. He passed the final examination again with a record marks.

After completing internship, he had to leave the college. Before leaving he came to meet me. I was alone in my room then. He said, "I feel very much sad as I have to leave you."

"I will also feel sad not to see you much."

"Ma'am, you have changed my life. Without your help I could never back to a normal life again."

"You are our pride, son. You'll be a great doctor in future. I will say proudly this is my son."

Suddenly Robin's face changed. I became ashamed as if I have gave back him the great sorrow of his life. "What happened, son? Why are you looking so?"

Robin said in a low voice, "I am not worthy to become someone's son, ma'am."

I could understand he now is remembering his mother. I told him giving him a soft touch around his head, "You remember you late mother? Am I not your mother?"

Robin looked at me in a very sad eyes. I didn't eye contacted with him now because I couldn't tolerate that eyes. How the boy is alive having an intense feeling of sorrow?!

"Ma'am I will leave today. But before going I wanted to tell you a true story of my life. I know, you won't love me anymore if I tell the story. I will lose my mother for the second time in my life. But still I want to tell you the story."

"Leave it, Robin. If there is any story like this, it should be untold."

Yet Robin started to tell his story-

I went home after completing the surgery ward's final exam. I went to a Chinese restaurant with my school friends. Suddenly I noticed that there was my father in the dark of the front side room. There was an unfamiliar woman with him. My father didn't notice me. But I noticed him almost all the time. I saw my father was sitting very close to that woman and was gossiping and laughing. I decided to kill him. I loved my mother most in the world. I couldn't accept this betrayal with my mom. And I became blind and angry at this incident. I didn't tell anyone anything. Only when my father will be returning home, I went to his bathroom and poured oil on the floor. I knew after returning home the first thing he did is to take bath. Everything happened as I planned. He slipped and got a bad injury inside his head. After three days in ICU, he passed away.

I thought anyone couldn't understand this was my plan to kill him. But I was completely wrong. My mother could see my inside like a mirror. After 7 days of my dad's passing away she sat in front of me and asked sadly, "Why did you do so?" At first I couldn't understand what she was saying about. But when I could understand I told him the incident in the Chinese restaurant.

Making me surprised she told that she knew everything about his dad's affair. But she always pretended as if she didn't know anything. She always consoled her saying she had the best son in the world. So, why should she be sad in this small things. What did she want more then? But that day her all beliefs were vanished. She could accept her husband's betrayal but couldn't accept his son to be a killer.

I continuously sought forgiveness from my mom. I told her crying, "Mom, I have done a wrong. I couldn't understand. I can't accept that anyone would make you sad."

My mother didn't said anything then. But that night she attempted suicide. She passed away and left a suicide note writing, "I have killed my husband by pouring oil in the bathroom. It is now giving me immense sorrow that I have to choose this way of suicide."

I have told my relatives and the police that I have killed my father for several times. But they didn't believed. Everyone thought I am saying this because I loved my mother so much that I wanted to remove the title "killer" from her name. Life became meaningless to me. I didn't want to return to medical. But later I thought, I would do some good things by serving other people's parents. Then maybe my mother's soul will be in peace. That's why I again came to this campus. But I couldn't be attentive in anything. Can you remember when you called me "child" for the first time? From then whenever you called me by this I thought my mother has returned and finally I could be attentive.

I know from now you will also feel shame to say this is my son, isn't it ma'am?

Robin is looking keenly into my eyes with his sad and watery eyes. As if his life is depending on my reply.

I couldn't understand what to say as I became too much astonished. I looked at his eyes like a fool.

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Written by
3 years ago


Sometimes we need someone to back us up from the deep grave of our own emotions and fear we go just by listening society and people around I am facing depression since last 4 years I bear domatic violence about 7 yrs i wanted to get out of it but no one supported me to do so juwt bcz wt society will say... i hv even thought thousands of timw to kill myself I don't want to stay with the person i m staying He took all of my confidence, my spirit to live I don't know why society influence so much Ur post has put me in the grief again... wts all going on why people r so mean

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I am sorry that it put you in grief again. Don't lose hope dear. You'll get your way soon inshaAllah

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3 years ago