Family is Love.

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Avatar for Kisses
Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Family

A closest tie you are with. A greatest love that you'll find next to God.

Nothing seems too aching when you see them worrying. It might be the deepest heartache you will have. When your mom and dad wait for you. Because your aren't arround even it's too late in the evening. A day without bonding with them is a feeling of a missing piece. Like, been losing in the universe. Your parents, brothers and sisters bring you bliss not because they've there to you. But, because they will never judge you who you are. Instead they will love you at your worst. There's nothing to compare with it their love. Because for me, it's a genuine love I will treasured for all the rest of my life.

Live a day without a friend but don't live a day without your family.

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