You should be able to deal with your problems by your own,despite the help of anybody......
Because nobody is used to be with you all the time ,to help you ,to show you the right mark....
Mark your way by your own, you should not be dependent upon anyone,never underestimate yourself, there is nobody like you in this whole world....
Never beg someone to make you happy, your happiness is inside you,try to find them ,and bring them out and do a smile.....
There are alot of people around you and most of them love you and care for you from the core of heart,and who want to see you happy....
You need to recognize them ,you need to value them, you need to choose best for you
And *YOU* are the only who can do this for yourself
But firstly you need to value yourself , then you can do everything, nothing is impossible,
*YOU CAN DO* .............