Well come The November, Say goodbye to October

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Avatar for Kiran11
2 years ago
Topics: Writing, Life, Blog

Say hello to this November morning. How the time passes so quickly like a glimpse of an eye. You close your eyes and when you open a lot of things could have changed.

How have you started your new month. Or should I ask how you have said goodbye to the October morning. There is only one month left for completing this year. It was 2019 when the corona Pandemic overtook the world and since that everything was stopped like the life is stopped and then the 2020 year started but it seems like its too lengthy year to be passed but when It passed and we entered the new year which was 2021, I thought same for it that it might be lengthy like corona pandemic but no!

You can see this year is going passed soon or it like to be passed. anyhow the November has been started. The environment which is neither too hot nor so cold but a pleasant environment which could be enjoyed to a great extent. Some people used to move towards Northern areas to visit beautiful places and some do nothing like me hahah.

But as we entered the November and said by to October. That's sad for October. We often have listened that life is full of sudden goodbyes. We don't know at what stage we will loss some of our people or some of moments, or some of our days.

Its so quick that our present changes into past, and we can't find that again like our childhood but we can have our future. We can't bring our past again and plan it again but we can plan for our future as we have to live next.

I am sure at the last day if October you might have planned something for your November. Or not?. As I have planned something for my November month. My university has been opened after two years and now we planned to go for a tour to northern areas in this month and that's why I waited for November badly.

But that doesn't mean I spend October vain, I have attended one or two birthdays in October and arranged some gatherings. Enjoyed that month to a good extent.

One thing is more interesting about November and December. And that is sleeping. Hahah. Yes you all know that we can sleep more peacefully in winter than in summer. In summer we all have load shedding issues some noise issues and some sweat problems but in winter you can take your blanket on you and can sleep all night or all day without any kind of disturbance. Nothing going to disturb you.

If its about me I can sleep from one night to next day night if no one bother to wake me up. But that's not good for health We should take proper sleep as it is required. Otherwise it will effect your mind.

However for me the starting of November is the starting of happiness and some relaxing environment

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Avatar for Kiran11
2 years ago
Topics: Writing, Life, Blog
