Please Don't Leave Your Bed Without Saying This 5 Powerful Prayers

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3 years ago

The day is filled with so many hurdles, temptations and occurrences that may not be known to many of us, that is why the need for praying in the morning before going out cannot be overemphasized.

Say These 5 Powerful Prayers Today.

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1. Merciful God, thank you for your hand upon my life, thank you because you have never left me nor forsook me, wherever I am now it's by your grace. Thank you for the gift of life today, it is not by my own merit but for your love upon me. Accept my praises and thanks in Jesus name. AMEN.

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2. Almighty Redeemer, i present my self before you this day, in any way I have sinned against you or gone astray, forgive and have mercy on me. Wash me with the blood of Jesus.

3. My Father My Father, whatsoever be the plans and plots of the enemy(known or unknown), against my life or that of my loved ones, be DESTROYED by fire. Render all my enemies useless and powerless before me and let them surrender in the mighty name of Jesus. AMEN

4. Father, i commit my family into your hands as whole, protect and preserve our lives, provide all our needs, grant us long life and prosperity and help us to live in love happiness and togetherness in Jesus name. AMEN

5. Awesome God, I commit my ways into your able hands this day, all the activities and work I'm going to embark upon today for livelihood, I pray you will bless and Favour. Grant me divine help from heaven today such that there will be abundant supply of your blessings in Jesus name. Amen!!

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3 years ago


Nice article

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