Coming out of your shadows

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3 years ago

How do you start a dream that frightens you?

You begin to ask questions on how people actually start and end up doing it all without being scared. For you to be scared is a good thing but that shouldn't stop you . I know how hard it is though, when you initially set a goal or dream big and you then try to figure out how to start it especially when it scares you. I will just say it's because you dont know how it will turn out or people may not really understand you.

One marvelous thing is that any time you bring a change to something it becomes even more scarier. Starting a dream is ultimately change, of course you know starting anything literally is change, you must first then realize that you must respond to starting a dream the same way you respond to almost any change.

Dont be scared for a change in general, that will tend to happen when you start believing in your dreams to becoming reality. If fear can be overcomed then starting your dreams or rather starting anything becomes so easy. You must learn how to come by surprises or change and the only way to do that is to keep pressing forward and not ever relenting or thinking of failing more often rather than success.

The primary things you can do to overcome this feeling;


You must be able to answer the question "why havent you started your dream?". Are you uncertain of not being positive or capable to bring this dreams to a reality?. When there is lack of motivation there is no more force to orient your path to getting it done that is really the honest truth. Are you always frightened about the failures rather than the possibilities that could manifest from having self confidence and pushing through?. Take you time to think deep down and answer these questions. You must reconstruct or rebuild your mind towards beginning a change.


More consistently and abruptly you have to be focus all the time on the change or the dream will never get started. It has to be something you are most obsessed with, you always pay full attention to, working yourself each day to move towards, this is what is needed to overcome doubts. Take action, something little could be much needed after you have been fully truthful to yourself, be on track with your dream always.


Discover what is it that has stopped you form starting your dream, bring out that confidence, that competency and activate your prowess, move on to start what has been a dream for a long time.


What are the needs you require to start the dream you have long dreamt of and improve on it. Seek advice from people who can be of help to you in achieving your dream. Nobody is perfect in this world, the feeling of always been perfect can be a hindrance to you. Perfectionalism always starts along the way..

Writing this has also reminded me of what am missing..Do enjoy your day.

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Nice one boss

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