Great way to download movies straight from the index of movies

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3 years ago
Topics: Tips

Do you like watching movies? Well, I'm certain that a lot of people searched for the most recent movies online, attempting to find that trustworthy site that will give you the correct download link but not found any. A few sites even need you to take answer a survey and then need you to download certain apps just to get that link to the movie to download. But in the end, everything you do is burn through your time? Well, I am here to announce to you don't need to go through that once more.

It turns out there is a way to stop sitting around visiting those fake sites that will not just give you the download link to the movie that you need. Now, with an advanced search technique from google search engine, you can approach the wide library of movies that google gathered, and the best of is that it's virus-free! You don't need to worry about malware, virus or any malicious file.

This is how to do it:

Am using a Chrome browser, but you can choose any browser you feel comfortable with, now open your browser.

On the search bar, paste this text:

Movie Name -inurl:(htm|html|php|pls|txt) intitle:index.of “last modified” (mp4|wma|aac|avi)

Simply replace the (Movie Name) with the name of the movie that you need to download. At that point hit Enter.

As you can see here am trying to find the index with the movie "Train to Busan"

Google will give you a bunch of results. Simply click on the link that you are more satisfied with, which has the clearest resolution.

These are the result retrieved. The first two sites are gallery index so am going for the index of /Movies/TERROR

When you click on the link. it will open up the index of movies that has a ton of movies in store. Simply find the movie you need to download or Ctrl+f on your keyboard and type in the name of the movie.

For a mobile user like me, to find your movie use the "find in page 🔍" option located in the browser options

When discovered, click on the immediate link and it will begin the download.

With one click your download will begin

Simply wait for it to complete, and then you can now make the most of your movie. Play it using vlc if windows player cant opens it, For mobile too you can use vlc or Mx player which my favorite.

Hopefully, you find it useful

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Avatar for KindleHeart
3 years ago
Topics: Tips
