Having thoughts is one attribute of a human. Humans were created with the ability to think and without this ability, we wouldn't be complete. Our thoughts affect the things that happen in our lives and it's important to keep our thoughts on check. It's good and healthy to always think positive, peaceful, creative and innovative thoughts.
For example, if your mind is filled with thoughts of disappointment, you'll be sad and that'll surely lead to that disappointment you thought about. If you ponder on the events of some horror movie you watched, you'll give yourself a good scare and you'll keep on seeing things that aren't actually there. So it's important to have positive thoughts like if you're expecting something good to happen, imagine yourself getting that thing; that dream job, that contract, that admission or that opportunity you've been waiting for. If you have faith in God and believe it's yours, it's yours.
Thanks 😊😊 I'm a girl though 😁