What Do You Value?

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Life is full of uncertainties and certainties. The important thing is what you make out of most of the time you have.

Alot of people live their life thinking life is just a fairy tale. They forget the fact that everything we do now matter alot when we're being assembled by God.

We forget to place value for things worthwhile irrespective of who we are. Being rich or poor doesnt give you the entitlement to live your life anyhow. Place your value on somethings significant and hold on to it. Don't just live a worthless life.

Your value could be your business, your wife, your children, your assets. Anything that u hold dear to you should be valued by you.

Alot of people value their frienda than their family members. Irrespective of their reasons, the fact remains that the value something worthwhile and that speaks for them. Their reasons might be genuine or not, as far as it works for them, them its worthwhile.

And instance was sighted when a rich 85 year old man was about to die in the hospital. The Doctor asked him, "Sir, what of your children, why arent they here to be by yourside?" the man replied, "Doctor, they won't come."

When the Doctor inquired to know why that was so, he found out that the man while in his energetic years, placed alot of importance to his business and wealth. He never cared about his children for a day talk more of looking for them or giving financial support. NOTHING.

So you can conclude that he place value on his wealth and nothing more. Well, you can see that all that was worthwhile because now that he is death, no memories have been left.

So whatever you want to place your value on, make sure it is worthwhile.

Happy New Week!

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