Show your madness sometimes

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2 years ago

Good day my good people.

How are you doing?

Are you feeling okay?

Hahaha. Just be fine.

I was finding a hard time earlier this morning thinking on what topic to write on, I decided to drop a question in a my WhatsApp group to see if they could help out.

Then a young lady took it to herself and suggested Series of topics and I picked one.

"Whether complete peace is good for everyone or we all need an element of madness here and there"

The above is one of the topics she suggested and I'm okay writing on this.

I'd be digressing a little bit from this literal line of this topic.

Okay, before I entered into the higher institution, I had a cousin that was far older that I, he was Schooling in a college of Education in my state, Delta State(Nigeria). He used to tell us how c*ltism operates in school, that no one survives in higher institution without joining a c*lt, you need to belong to one or you'd get killed or finds it hard to graduate.

I asked him if he belong to any c*lt Group, he said no that he has his way of maneuvering them when they come knocking at the door.

The Nollywood Industry contributed to his stories that made me to believe his story-you must belong to a c*lt to survive in school. For my Nigerian people, you remember those Jim Iyke's campus movies, yeah. Those were typical examples🤣

He went further to say that if you want to survive and don't want to join a c*lt, you must be acting like a gangster. You must dress rugged with face cap to the back and big trousers so you won't be intimidated. Aside the dressing, he said if by any chance you face intimidation/bully by c*lt members in school, you must counter back, drop your peaceful habit and put on the madness part of you to scare them away.

Honestly, I believed so much on what he said because I had a little percentage of Sense then, to the extent that I made up my mind to be a radical gangster when I eventually enter higher institution🤣.

When I entered school, I found out that schooling wasn't how he explained it. If you stay peaceful without too much friends, you wouldn't enter troubles that involve cultism that'd lead to bullying and fight, but some areas too, you just need to be radical sometimes to pave through, yeah it's like that. Even if you are not looking for trouble would come and look for you.

On a more clear note, calmness doesn't solve all problems. We need to be mad at some times.

I'm a very quiet person, I hardly display anger because I know how to control it at some point. But I tell you, if you are too quiet, you'd be intimidated and oppressed. Sometimes you need to bring out your red color😡 and chase away thier troubles.

I remember in Secondary school, there was a guy we call "GIANT" because of his stature, he's hug and tall. No one fights with him because he beats anyone and everyone.🤣🤣

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One day in the classroom, a quarrel came out between us, he got so angry and landed a slap on my face. The slap wasn't that firece though because it only got the attention of few people. The people held him because he was about to release another slap. My "other side" came out and I landed back a very loud slap on his face and it got everybody's attention.(remember they were holding him when I dropped the slap...but it didn't mattered to me though because I was ready to face him whether he beat me or not🤣🤦).

So when everyone turned back to see what would happen. Instead of the guy(giant) to come with a full warrior-like scene to fight me back. He just came and hugged me. He was surprised I slapped him back and that was when we became the coolest friend.

Sometimes they need to see your other side to Accord you your deserved respect.

Last two years, I was leading a fellowship group of "intelligent group" (they know something well well), I was calm and jovial to portray a good leadership example. Even when insult comes, I swallow and let it go...that's the sacrifice of the position.

Just about to leave the tenure, we handed over but were still around to give orientation. One of the new executives started misbehaving, spreading all manners of fake news, causing troubles. OMG! He almost spoilt everything we built.

One night, it was so late when I received another report of this bad manners. I became too angry and couldn't hold it anymore. I went to his house the next morning and gave him a lifetime warning with a with a hot slap.. yeah I don't supposed to do that but I did it. Since then, his attitude got tamed and lowered.

Don't be quiet always, sometimes correct People with your madness.

Sorry for my bugging explanations.

Thanks for reading.

23rd November 2021

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$ 0.05 from @GarrethGrey07
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2 years ago


Yeah, sometimes we also need to fight, we also need to be mad, that was perfectly fine as we are all human.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah, too much calmness will result to insults and intimidation, we need to show them our other sides sometimes to restrict such acts

$ 0.00
2 years ago