Mood swings, stress problems that happen at home, all affect students during school time. The school does not help overcome them instead they put more stress, and more problems on you. Does it ever bother you when you are worried about something an hope when you come to school you will forget about it for atleast some little time when you are working or with your friends? Do you ever wonder when you can relax?
When you arrive to school, all they do is put more trouble on your mind, they stress the students out when they are already stress. Talking from a personal experience, a friend of mine had and still has problems at home she did not talk for years, uncountable years. When she finally decides to talk to the school therapist after taking advise from her former teacher, the therapist told her she is gonna have to meet her parents even though before she opened up she promised her that everything will be confidential, but now what is she doing? She is obligating her to talk to her parents. Could you see the stress she is going through everyday just worrying what her parents might think when they know what she is feeling?
The school does not give students time to stop studying, to just think and relax. This is the case for most of the schools.
Parents, teachers, supervisors, and principals, need to understand what it is like to be a teenager in our generation, living in our days there are too many problems to face, too much drama to deal with, and trying to fit in a group of friends is not an option anymore, if someone is exculded they will spend the rest of the school years excluded, judgement and bullying are very big problems nowadays. This is why students beg for time to relax.
I'm also Student. The life of student is very hard we can not explain it more