Benefits of Reading.

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2 years ago

Throughout history of mankind reading is always one of the most crucial ways of getting new information, since from the stone age to Iron age and through Digital age that we're

1- Improve Your Perspectives

Reading expose you to differents kinds of life experience from different people, when an author is writing they're writing either their own experiences or their research, this will enable you to learn from others mistake (to avoid) and also learn from others success.

2- Increase Focus

It increases your focus when you're reading, because it takes all your ideas your thinking and everything on the same place and at the same moment, which is very important in critical thinking, decision making and problem-solving.

3- Increase Knowledge

Reading is also the second total source of knowledge after real-life experience, when you're reading you are exposed to different ideas and information from other intelligent people, that's why since from kindergartens we're encouraged to read our books both from our parents and teachers as it will change the way you look at the world, reading also help me improve and manage my life very well.

4- Increasing Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is the beginning of wisdom and invention, everything you saw invented in this world began from the brain wondering then the mind absorbing all the way to creation, no wonder most great minds and successful people are avid readers, as it helps them think about what next to improve and succeed in their path, when someone ask you what Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Barack Obama, Warren Buffet, Michael Jordan have in common stand still and say "Reading".

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2 years ago
