The End is near?

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Avatar for Khawar
Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Bitcoincash

Bitcoin comes to life in 2009.according to rumors the persom named "satoshi nakamoto" give birth to bitcoin.

The father of bitcoin announces that only 21 millions of bitcoin will be mined and till 2021 feb 18.6 millions are mined already.

And with no surprises the creater of the currency holds the 1.1 million coins.


The future?

Remaining 3.4 millions may take more time than the already mined 18.6 millions but they will be mined one day. mining and exchange of bitcoin is now legal in some countries so may it not take much time. After that what happens next?

Rise or fall?

After completing 21 million coins the price will be highest or lowest?

Best investment?

If the predictions and rumors are right then the price of btc must raise to highest ever after 21 millions mining. And the one who is going to invest will be the luckiest among other investors.

Worst investment?

And what if after 21 millions it goes down and crash then what? Who is the person to blame?

Big names?

Why the big investors (except some) and rich persons are hesitating to invest and talk about bitcoin?

Worth of bitcoin?

A currency whose value goes up after a tweet from one of the richest person in the world and goes down after an interview of another big name how much worth it could have?

How to invest?

If the price of currency goes up after a tweet then the investors should follow the social media accounts of big nanes and watch all their interviews so they can invest?


In my humble opinion investment must be made but not for long term. Investor should sell the btc if getting even the little profit. And should buy when the price is down. Savings must be not invested only the extra money we got which will not harm us even after loss should be invested.

$ 0.00
Avatar for Khawar
Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Bitcoincash
