Toxic love

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Avatar for Khamus
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3 years ago

Because it is not too much to ask of someone to be excited that you’re in their life. You may think the world of them, but you are a world in and of yourself and you deserve admiration, too. They don’t have to scream at the top of their lungs that they love you, but they should realize that getting another day with you is a wonderful thing. They should be just as excited to hear from you as you are from them. They shouldn’t be trying to play games with you or make you doubt your worth. They shouldn’t compare you to their past relationships and pull away from you because you’re not those people. They should be able to take your hand in the moment and be intrigued by the possibility of what you two will do together, the memories you will make, the love you might share, the support and understanding you will hold for each other.

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Well composed... True talk.

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3 years ago