The Way to God

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3 years ago
Topics: Journey, Islam, Life, Story, Blog, ...

In order for a man, a knower, to reach God, he has to go through three stages.

In the initial stage he sees himself and God on the same stage. It is said: From you hareket, from God bereket - means from you movement from God reward for that movement;

When he passes into the second phase then he sees that the tools of cognition, the eyes, the hearing, the sight, the brain serve as the means of acquiring knowledge, and then he sees that God's share is twice as great as his;

When he takes a few more steps forward, he realizes that his power of knowledge is in fact God's blessing - to finally come to the conclusion - that all power is God's and that there is no one else above that power.

He had to overcome a number of obstacles in order to reach these insights, ie. to the knowledge that everything is in God's hands and that everything is in God's power.

Imam Hussein a.s. said: “God, how can I say that I have decided something when You are the absolute Master of everything. When I see Your power, then I realize that I am nobody and nothing, and nothing can be made of anyone or anything. And how can I say that I will not make a decision when You tell me to make a decision.”

Our path inevitably leads through this material world; which is to say that we must go through that thorny path of temptation and hardship. Here a connection is established between the scholars and the Absolute Knower of Allah, the Exalted. The fuel used by earthly scholars is precisely the purification of the soul and the improvement of moral values. It is the connection between God and the knower.

Da bi čovjek, znalac, stigao do Boga ima da prođe tri stup­nja.

U početnoj fazi on sebe i Boga vidi na istom stupnju. Kaže se: Od tebe hareket, od Boga bereket - znači od tebe pokret od Boga nagrada za taj pokret;

Kada pređe u drugu fazu onda vidi da alatke spoznaje, oči, sluh, vid, mozak služe kao sredstva za sticanje znanja, i onda vidi da je Božiji udio dva puta veći od njegovog;

Kada pređe naprijed još nekoliko koraka shvati da je njegova moć spoznaje ustvari Božiji blagoslov - da bi na kraju došao do zaključka - da je sva moć Božija i da nema nikoga drugog ko je iznad te moći.

On je morao da savlada jedan broj prepreka da bi došao do ovih spoznaja, tj. do saznanja da je sve u Božijim rukama i da je sve u moći Božijoj.

Imam Husejn a.s. je rekao: “Bože, kako da ja kažem da sam odlučio nešto kada si Ti ap­solutni Gospodar svega. Kada vidim Tvoju moć onda shva­tim da sam ja niko i ništa, a od nikog i ništa se ne može ništa napraviti. A kako da kažem da neću donijeti odluku kad mi Ti govoriš donesi odluku.”

Naša staza neminovno vodi kroz ovaj materijalni svijet; što će reći da moramo proći taj trnoviti zāhirski put iskušenja i tegoba. Ovdje se uspostavlja jedna veza između znalaca i Apsolutnog Znalca Allaha, dž.š.. Pogonsko gorivo kojim se koriste zemaljski znalci je upravo čišćenje duše i poboljšavanje moralnih vrijednosti. To je veza između Boga i znalaca.

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Avatar for Khalisah
3 years ago
Topics: Journey, Islam, Life, Story, Blog, ...
