I Will Not Wear Muzzles!

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Avatar for Khalisah
3 years ago
Topics: Short Story, Corona, Covid19, Lie, Truth, ...

I WILL NOT WEAR MUZZLES! The slogan is on many streets of European cities.

88% of people think the corona is a pandemic. Lie!

They don't want you to know the truth!

I never wear a mask outdoors just when I go to the market or somewhere indoors. Not because I'm scared, but because they would let me buy groceries. I don’t trust the media and propaganda. The virus is just the flu, but they had to lie to us to give us deadly vaccines. Don’t be naive. The man inhales oxygen, and exhales the carbon dioxide that remains on the mask, and then inhales it again, thus destroying the lungs. People die under masks, not from viruses. The same is the case with respirators, from too much pressure, the lungs burst.

Wake up!

P.S. I’m not a medical worker, I’m an artist, but half of my family are medics. My aunt is a nurse, my uncle is a plastic surgeon, one of my cousins is an embryologist, my mother is a pharmaceutical technician and laboratory technician. I was informed first hand.

NEĆU NOSITI MUZZLE! ~ parola je na mnogim ulicama Evropskih gradova.

88% ljudi misle da je korona pandemija. Laž!

Ne žele da znate istinu!

Nikad ne nosim masku na otvorenom samo kad odlazim na tržnicu ili negdje u zatvoreni prostor. Ne zato što se plašim, već zato da bi me pustili da kupim namirnice. Ne vjerujem medijima i propagandi. Virus je samo gripa, ali morali su nas lagati kako bi nam podijelili smrtonosna cjepiva. Ne budite naivni. Čovjek udiše kisik, a izdiše ugljikov dioksid koji se zadržava na masci, a potom ga ponovno udiše i time uništava pluća. Ljudi umiru pod maskama, a ne od virusa. Isti je slučaj i sa raspiratorima, od presnažnog pritiska, pluća pucaju.

Probudite se!

P.S. Ja nisam medicinski radnik, ja sam umjetnik, ali pola moje familije su medicinari. Moja tetka je medicinska sestra, moj amidža je plastični hirurg, jedan moj rođak je embriolog, majka mi je farmaceutski tehničar i laborant. Informisana sam iz prve ruke.

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Avatar for Khalisah
3 years ago
Topics: Short Story, Corona, Covid19, Lie, Truth, ...
