Life lessons

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3 years ago

Life lessons 😊

​Life we lead goes through different events and processes some may leave good impact and some bad one and it's not necessary that those are permanent impacts....that may be temporary one............

​Life goes through ups and downs,thick and thin and off and on......we go through different experiences and those experiences make us learn alot of lessons.........

​Likewise I also had different experiences with different people and things in different eras of time..........

​​What are my life lessons?

​I learnt following few things from two decades of life.....

1) Make character not reputation 

​All of us generally want to get fame ,to be familiar and to be known by all.....but I now differ this point from few years of life....I believe that instead of reputation a reputation is slight and short termed whether it's bad or good but character is long lasting.....

​2) Be of words 

​Be of words in two ways..

​First learn to keep up what you say... don't be a lier or one who promise lame.......

​Second be cautious with your words ......words are arrows..... always remember that......

​3) Be your own 

​It means I'm the circle of this ruthless life don't ignore you .....nuture yourself both physically and spiritually 

​4) Don't fall into words so easily 

​It's the lesson I learnt but still struggling to implement in my here alot will cost you sugar....alot will blackmail your in the name of feelings....alot will tell you of emotions but there will be nothing for you inside them don't be so quick to melt as I am😂

​​​​5)​ Be consistent and committed 

​It's the foremost of all your life activities.....

​if you start a thing then don't hesitate just do it with commitment and consistency.....

​if you will implement this you are sure to succeed......

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3 years ago
