Bitcoin scam

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3 years ago

It's much easier for them to pretend BTC has value, keeping it afloat (please look into Tether) and censoring the truth than compete with the real thing.

This is how they do it:

On October 23, 2014, Blockstream goes public and announces funding and the formation of their company.

Shortly after Blockstream was incorporated, they received At least $76 million in venture capital from: AXA ($55 million, Khosla Ventures, Mosaic Ventures, Horizon Ventures, etc., some of the most powerful venture firms in the world.

In the Summer of 2015, all of the primary Bitcoin communities such as r/Bitcoin, mailing lists, Bitcoin Talk, wikis, etc., began massive censorship campaigns against any and all topics that had to do with scaling Bitcoin beyond the 1MB limit which, by the way, was temporarily added by Satoshi Nakamoto back in 2010 as a stop-gap measure to prevent spam in the early days.

This gave them the opportunity to manufacture consent and with the help of bots and astroturfing the Core development team (the only ones having access to the BTC repository) pushed their narrative and crippled Bitcoin.

In short: The Bitcoin name and repository were hijacked by a for-profit organisation so they could make a buck on their own patented and convoluted "solutions" while rendering it harmless to protect the current financial status quo.

Bitcoin Cash just kept on developing Bitcoin.

Luckily, Bitcoin as described in the whitepaper by it's inventor Satoshi Nakamoto continues to exist under the name Bitcoin Cash.

BCH uses Satoshi's codebase from before BTC forked off with SegWit. It also uses the superior scaling solution as described by Satoshi and keeps all transactions Peer-to-Peer on the blockchain. Bitcoin Cash has no single development team or repository that can be hijacked.

Bitcoin has progressed so much in comparison to the old Bitcoin Core (BTC); with speed and features that will never be possible on BTC, it's now more than capable as a truly decentralised cash system to start replacing the existing monetary sham.

Bitcoin Cash is dirt cheap to use (forever) and buy (for now; until people begin to realise they are using obsolete software).

Tin foil hat conspiracy theory? Look at the facts.

The banking establishment is beyond sneaky and sophisticated. They have a million and one tricks to rob you of your money. There are technical tricks, and psychological tricks, and everything in between inside and outside the box.

They will lobby governments to ban it, create false flag attacks, anything to maintain power.

And they do this because if they weren't that ruthless then someone else would be in charge of the world's money supply.

So don't doubt for a second that they are trying to use all their tricks on Bitcoin Cash. A decentralized currency would be their death.


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That's a great article. Very well written and to the point. I am sharing this on now. 💚


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5 hours ago

Or write a response article and reference that in your own post. But sharing is caring in that fashion too. But are you using that article to get BCH for your own self? Like a leaching parasite? No offense giving but look at the actions of some. Lest not fall in the same category. Boost your own efforts, and you will get more benefits that way. Earn those "gustos".



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an hour ago

What is your deal? Have you written this article? Or are you just the leaching parasite who answers every comment -- which is not even directed at you?

I have received $0.01 in tips for sharing this article. The author has received an anonymous donation of $100 after I shared it. I'm pretty sure I know who donated. I'm not entirely sure if the person saw it, because I shared the article or if he found it himself.

For someone who wants to get rid off all money you definitely care a lot about it, don't you?


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an hour ago

pues si es verdad yo le veo un gran potencial a algunas criptos y mas al BCH me considero un fan y seria mal que cunado una gran mayoria de personas conoscan las cryptos se que el mercado tendra popularidad y eso hara que el mercado ten gas activos y suban los valores pero si que hay estafas masivas con los bancos , un saludo desde venezuela muy buen articulo


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a day ago

No más bancos. Sigue trabajando. Deja de pagar. Distribuye todo gratis. Repetir. Ahora ve y dilo a los demás. Dile a alguien importante. Dile juntos con todo Venezuela. Dile que Yo ha regresado. Diles que vengo del modo largo. Ve mi joven!


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an hour ago

It's very informative. keep it up..


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a day ago

So this is just another rant post with "facts" and relative information on the crisis of poverty etc. I see many like it but hardly ever see "solutions". Believe it or not, During the course of 15 years reading up on the ponzi scheme of crapitalism. Studying it, collecting its works. even playing a part in this devilish game. I can't seem but to help but to offer this crazy idea as a solution. Remember "nothing is new under the sun".

I look at trees while I meditate and see the example waving in my face as each breeze moves the lims.

The trees. They follow such an easy 3 step solution.

Keep Working

Don't pay

Distribute everything for free


Imagine then, all store items free. All we have to do is keep working and the shelves will always remain full. We distribute everything for free.

Truly have to get rid of having that green belt wrapped around tight around the brain from reaching proper oxygen for one to comprehend a world without money/currency/monetary system and also important to get rid of that "authority" superstition from our battened in brainwashed conditioning that we received from fraudulent indoctrination institutions aka public schools.

For what we have now is simple, The monetary system and rule by force. We ignore both. We ignore paying for things, no longer call it stealing, we disobey "authority" (really rolling my eyes here because I know I am going to receive statist remarks on this) and follow the three simple steps.

Good luck convincing masses. The majority have Stockholm syndrome with Santa Claus, I mean "government".

Must be free within people. The journey is inward. Free yourselves from attachment and the world will respond accordingly. remember, You are the world. Changing yourself is changing the world. Be like a tree 1 2 3 GO!


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2 days ago

The world fails at no.1, as there are way too many opportunists, that will not be ready to put in the work...


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an hour ago

"changing yourself is changing the world" like that, yes meditation is probably the answer, now sure about the rest but as it probably makes more sense to u. And yes trees, I am a gardener, so we can learn from the trees.


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12 hours ago

Those things you garden, do they demand your attention? Do they use force? Do they demand a cut of your labours or else? What I mean is, is there a gun telling you to garden?

The plants give their fruit freely. It is humans that want to get extra from the value of one fruit by lying that there is two when there are none. They confuse their own mathematical being by action. It is true that no one has a right to make anyone a slave. They channel our energy to love in the wrong things and because if has only worked for X amount of time they say "see, it's working. This is the way" but when it crashes and causes chaos, beyond the chaos that they already cause by keeping it started and going (so damn evil), it is them that run and hide while we die along the lines of being deceived. But we let ourselves be deceived and now the mercury children eyes will bleed when they finally open their eyes to the reality around. i just wonder how many more are going to die before they are able to make a change. Probably many. More than millions. I already see genocide being taken as a medicine for a fake pandemia that was constructed as a distraction from the surrounding reality.

I see many angry at the loss of currency and their gold, But I see the answer is so simple.


Afraid to lose family? Your family is already lost if they don't disobey too. go die together then. Obey. Sterilize your children. Fill them with mercury. Modify their DNA to be less than what it is. shorten their life span. Give them sugar. Give them their vaccines. Tell them that obedience is moral especially towards those that call themselves "gob" despite evidence sitting in the trillions and trillions that they are never to be trusted or paid any attention to.

Give not one of your energy to obey them. But remember our divine duties.

What math equation is being contradicted?

A very simple one but even in history it has shown that many cultures have gone through great lengths to figure out zero + zero is zero. I see that it still holds true in those that believe in authority. Be baffled people. The majority of the world don't even understand this yet. I say it how it is and this is how it is now.

Zero authority over others. If people work voluntarily then that is freedom. If it is being governed then it is not. Simple as that. More simple explanations?

No one has the right to force someone to do something that they don't want to do. You do have the right to defend yourself, but that does not equate to having "authority".

What is being confused in many situations is what exactly is authority and what it is not.

I have found Larken Roses book "The Most Dangerous Superstition" to have been one of the best books that have come across my life to really explain with upmost clarity in words on what that is.

Why I am telling all of this? Because there are people that exist in this world that will die to fight against you to complete that first step I have mentioned in my previous comment above. They will kill to prevent you from starting this plan. Because they will call it theft but it is the that have been the real thieves this entire time. We must eliminate capitalism from our minds. We must eliminate our actions from enslaving ourselves and others. We must follow the three steps.

Keep working.

We start with what needs to be started. I don't need to go into too much detail. you know what you must do.

we do very much the same thing we are doing today every day. we invite more people to join. we orginaize and for orginizations. this is good.

When everything is full on every shelve....

How does that stay full?

Jesus Christ what is it that causes these shelves to be full!?

How does one learn the ABC's?

What is A? What is B? What is C? How do we account to the three of these? Each letter is a number. A geometric shape. An energy field, A wave of energy. ETC. Telling me a name is a conjunction of these powers? Yes! And using a name as my own, harnesses these powers towards me? Great question that is a deep question, what kind of power is in a name? What kind of power is in a word?

We know sounds can move objects, this is no secret to anyone in this day of age. Pyramids created by such low prime tools? Yea right. Keep dreaming sucka. The Sumerians tell a story of great advanced technology including rockets. Helicopters in ancient Egyptian tablets. Really believe this here technology is new? WAKE UP PEOPLE! We got the technology to give everyone what they need. Poverty is a silly joke. It is 100% more than possible. But I say this in jest because it is a choice we have to make as a collective.

Step two is simple as it was first told. Why I feel I must go into detail? I don't know. I feel it and I just do. I express what I have been holding onto for a long time. I want to see change in this world. So I do what I got to see that change. Please don't put your own image over mine. I haven't quite explained it, but I see and feel it. I visualized what we all already knew. Getting away from all those things that separate us all. Monetary system is just that. "Gov" does that too. Believing that others have more power than you makes that happen too. YOU ARE LIONS PEOPLE! GROW YOUR SPINE AGAIN! It was more firm at birth than what it is now. At least then you knew what the hell you wanted. We weren't even afraid to cry. We celebrated the times believing we were free but we sacrificed that when they told us and forced into their version of freedom.

Now your living in it. Welcome to the monopoly game. You still haven't even put that childish game away. Still living in the past with wanting to win. Can't win. This game is rigged to have only the bank win. They give out the money, they say what the value is, and they said you owe me back double. Triple. Tax it quadruples and tax the taxes too. Tax the air. Tax the water. Tax the thoughts! Wait and see they will do it, and they will say that crypto needs to pay taxes. Including wages from your blogs. There is no freedom in monetary systems.

This too shall be taxed one day would be one drawn on the walls of art projects and that too shall be taxed. They will use force. They can and do what they want, so long as the people give them that power to do so. We will be among those that disobey. But you? Where will you be when push comes to shove? Just videotaping for a viral video? Yapping your fat mouth about rights and laws? Rights are being broken on purpose, why would they stop just from your own voice? Those bullies need to recognize that no one is falling for this shit anymore. Police are private corporation of the banking cartel. And it is massive, and they go by different names. Matters not what they pretend to do. It's all revenue for the elite crew, and we are the fools to play pool with a bunch of goons that behave like raging baboons when they see a friendly raccoon.

Robing a bank or is it getting back what was stolen?

Smile Smiley. Keep singing and distribute your song for free. Repeat 1 2 and 3. Repeat what you once told me. Grow like a tree does and give thee out times the trinity. Relearn everything from A B C and we will all see what happened to liberty when we sell our labor to something that was never free. Our loans are never paid out in value. We give our property away for something that is less than 1 that is equivalent to another one. They won our hearts with false promises and gave not one fucks about all of us. It was all mistrust and never truly discussed in society. Who are the real beneficiaries of all our proprieties? It isn't us because we are all on the same bus as the bankrupt.

Homeless and no carton of cigarette daydreams is our daydreams. We get enough toxicities from your higher cities. We know what we need? More weed. Lol.

Wouldn't it be nice to just get it for free? Like a lemon or a grape or lettuce. A house. A loft a boat.

Everyone will get that. It is so simple an answer, but you want to wait for the whole world to do it for you right? Lol. I wait on nobody. I am independent. I will grow my own food. I will seek the trade necessary to survive. And lead the example. How do we do that?

STEP ONE: okay okay okay. No fuck you. STEP ONE GET YOUR ASS TO IT SON! Quit wanking around to get fun. Do it for yourself hun. Drop that gun and stock up on ammunition that is your life energy. Use that energy into something productive like. BEING FREE.

Laugh all you want amigos. be the troll. gas light but hear the underlying message of the three step program.

I certainly am not going to PAY any attention those that do not want to be free.

We distribute everything for free.

Period. No more "but my money, my purchasing power". It is the same as everyone else. Zero more than the next. and not less either. Go to "store" and get what you need. Tools, food, blah blah blah. But never forget that the three is also one. And it requires each one to function.

How does it work, we do the same thing we do every day. Just do it for free. Worldwide we all do it. no more banks are necessary. No more banks I guarantee "gob" will step down from their positions of slavery control. In masses. It is the work force that governs OUR society. We stop everything crashes. Money had nothing to do with it.

And to accomplish step three I believe IMO that a required history lesson on economics is a must in early age. But one type of lesson that isn't controlled to have them believe that this is the answer because we shall show our future generations the monetary is a big hoax. And we have a great idea. Hell even Jaque Fresco and his Venus project is a superb idea and is being implemented already. It is a RBE, resourced based economy. Go follow that right down the rabbit hole. It could surely be a great goal for humanity.

Now go. Keep gardning everyone. Reap the fruits. take what you need and give out the rest for free. organize if there is none. take control of the private sectors. Use the technology that is already there established. So what if a small group of people say no. who gives a fuck what they say. ignore them. but stand together when they arrest one for working for free.because we are all doing it together. and one getting arrested is like all of us getting arrested. they have no right to prevent the prusuit of happiness of everyone. and one is enough to do just that. either we are all free or no one is.

Make your choice. make it happen. Paradise or Oblivion?

make it quick. or we soon to die.


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Written by
3 years ago
