Safe Spaces...

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Avatar for KenJackson
2 years ago

Good day everyone.

How are you? The expected and normal response will be "I'm fine", "Cool", "I'm good", " Alright " etc. But a lot of times these so-called expected responses do not at all times describe how one really is at that point in time. For instance, you can feel like the whole world is on your shoulder but still reply "I'm fine" when asked how you are. Who does that help? Is it fair?  It won't be such a bad thing if you choose to go beyond giving the normal response and saying how you really are. In the end, it feels very good to share your current state of your mind with someone who cares to ask you how you really are. It's a thing of relief when you let someone into your headspace.

But is it just anyone you let into your headspace? Is it anyone that says they care, really show this in their words and actions? Do you feel safe around them? Do you even feel like you can open up to anyone?

A Safe space, like the name implies, a space you feel safe in and it's not restricted to just a location but it can be a person or people you feel at home with or comfortable and good enough to be who you are, express your feelings to, share your thoughts with, without feeling bad or judged or agitated or worse off than you felt before confiding in them. That's what a safe space is and that's what it makes you feel like. It takes different forms to different people but what's more important is that you feel the same way irrespective of the form it takes- at peace, sane, happy and safe. 

We exist in an ever evolving society a lot of times, whose ideologies and perspectives may not align with our current view on certain things or at a conflict with it such that it doesn't give us the permission or freewill to feel how we want to feel and be who we want to be or choose to be. In this same world, there exist those who go out of their way to put people down to get their own way. There are those that gaslight, manipulate and deceive. There are times where people in your life put you through all of that. There are also times where for no reason you just feel tired, sad and life is weighing you down. A lot of times it gets frustrating, drives you nuts and you just want to rant, isolate yourself. In times like this, for your benefit, you would need to put yourself in spaces where you feel safe enough to just be. You would need to be given words of assurance, shown care, given attention among others. 

The need for spaces where we feel safe and sane in such an unpredictable, unsafe and insane world can't be more overemphasized and what a lot of us need and crave is just peace of mind. I know I need this. So my advice to you all is to go out of your way and actively seek out such spaces for yourself. You need it a lot more than you think for the preservation of your mental health. Do a little introspection and become aware of who and which makes you feel safe and give the needed and required time to such spaces. 

I hope and wish for you all that you find safe spaces for yourselves. I hope and wish that you are at peace at all times and I wish for you all that you have the strength to weather the storm that life makes us go through. 

Thank you for reading..

$ 1.05
$ 0.96 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @HappyBoy
$ 0.04 from @The.Ada
Avatar for KenJackson
2 years ago


I really loved reading this piece. For me, my safe space is everything and I'm so glad that I've got that with my family, my people because let me tell you, having peace of mind and a safe space in this "unpredictable, unsafe, insane world" (your words not mine😅) is everything!! Thanks for sharing!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you very much. It's indeed everything..

$ 0.00
2 years ago