Second Chance

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Many are seeking dearly for a second chance, in a broken relationship, at work, and even in life, but they have been denied it because it’s too late. Some of them are probably even no more as a result, but here you are still on the first chance or you were lucky enough to get a second, and what do you do with it, you waste it, flirting around instead of sticking with the one that is yours, drinking every drop of alcohol that comes within your grip, you go to work late and leave early like you run the place, you’ve been warned severally but you are bent on having it your way. That one chance might be your only chance, that second chance might be the last you’ll get. Do you want to wait till it’s too late and then you’re filled with regrets when it could have been avoided? that’s if it’s not a life-costing mistake you made. When the deed is done and the die is cast, that friend wasting your life with you won’t stick by for his to be like yours. Make something worthwhile of your life before it’s too late. 

Like I said before there are no set rules in life, what worked for one might not work for you. That someone played with the first chance given to him or her doesn’t mean if you play with yours you’d be given a second chance. Some are so lucky that they get a third chance even a forth and more. How sure are you that you will be one of the lucky ones? Some are even luckier that there’s a chance waiting at the end of every misused chance. Do you seriously want to play that very rough play with your life? You’ve been given a second, maybe a third but you still choose to waste it and make nothing out of it. Change that mindset and way of life. Do you wish to wait till there no chance left? do you want to find out the hard way how detrimental that your way of life is? Yes, there might be a way back, but you don’t know the future. And if there will be a way out it will definitely be a very hard way, why choose that? There’s an easy way right before you, walk in it, there no fun in going the hard way, even if that hard way makes you the richest person in the world nobody will ever choose to walk it with you when you could have obviously gotten there the easy way.

Once again, there are no set rules to success in life, what worked for A might not work for B. A similar path might work but not the exact way. You’re not dead, you’re not in jail, you’ve not been fired from that job, that boyfriend or girlfriend hasn’t left you, don’t wait till everything falls apart before you start seeking a way out, make a positive turn today. Cherish him, cherish her, stop flirting around, take that job seriously, stop the alcoholic lifestyle. Your life is yours! Whatever you make of it will be yours to enjoy or weep over! Don’t play poker with your life! The consequence is fatal. Everyday is a second chance to change. Don't waste it.

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