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Avatar for Kaze
Written by
4 years ago

Food is something that all people save these days coz of pandemic and for fear that their area will go on lockdown again, being in lockdown is hard you have no work and when you have no work you have salary no salary means no money to buy food.

The economy of most country is down that also means businesses closes down due to fewer people to frequent their store. When store closes workers also loses the job. More and more people are becoming jobless.

Funny thing some people still say that you go find a job. How can those peolple find a job when there is no vacant position of businesses that is open and most are struggling financially and might dismiss some workers and those will be added to unemployed people.

Those people that says find a job are previlege people who havent lose their jobs or work on government. They dont have a shred of sympathy for those who lose their jobs and can't provide food and basic needs. Coz they just think they still have a job.

For them as long their not affected its okay if people die. Such selfish action result in less fortunate people continue to break quarantine protocols. But all this could have been avoided if people is given food.

Share Food so people can stay inside their houses during lockdown.

Don't be selfish

$ 0.00
