Common people suffer from Price hike

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Common people suffer from Price hike

The price situation in the country has now become uncontrollable. There is no way to stop the price of essential commodities. On the one hand, the Corona epidemic has reduced the livelihood of the common man, on the other hand, it has caused unbridled rise in commodity prices. Even if the government or the commerce ministry hears the boy being deceived about the issue, it has no positive effect on the market.

Price rate very high

The price of onion and vegetables is now beyond the purchasing power of the common man. The price of rice is also increasing by leaps and bounds. Essential vegetables like potatoes are no longer within the reach of the common man. High prices of essential commodities including edible oil, eggs, ginger, garlic have led to a major deterioration in the overall situation. As a result, the livelihood of the common man has now become miserable. The government has also failed to address the situation.

There are no vegetables below 50 rupees per kg in the market now. Karala is being sold at Rs 100 per kg. Dhandas, Lau, Kankrol and Kachu also caught fire. The price of brinjal and chichinga has broken the previous record of Rs 60 per kg. Patal has to be bought for 60 rupees and raw papaya for 50 rupees. 240 to 300 rupees per kg depending on the market. Tomatoes have to be bought at Rs 110 per kg and cucumbers at Rs 80 to Rs 100. The price of good quality coarse rice in the market has gone up to Tk 50 per kg. As a Trading Corporation of Bangladesh (TCB) the price is 48 to 50 rupees. Which was between 44 to 45 rupees a week ago. Potatoes are being sold at retail prices of Rs 45 to Rs 50. Eggs are being sold in the market at 40 rupees. Soybean oil price has increased by five rupees per liter. Domestic onion is being sold at 90 rupees and local onion at 100 rupees per kg. 120 per kg of Indian onion. Garlic is being sold at Rs 80 to Rs 100 and Chinese ginger at Rs 280 per kg. Which points to a price explosion.

The market situation in the capital Dhaka has also become chaotic. In Dhaka, potatoes worth Tk 18-20 are now being sold at Tk 50. Retailers say they are buying and selling in the same way. Onions are not falling below one hundred rupees in any way. Low quality onions are also being sold for one hundred rupees. Relatively good quality onions are being sold at Rs. Retailers talk about it, but it doesn't match the reality. Wholesale market sources say retailers are charging much higher than the wholesale price. As a result, ordinary buyers are in trouble. And the banana plant is a class of dishonest traders and middlemen. And the poor are the poor farmers.

Rising vegetable prices are nothing new in the capital. Sometimes it has decreased by Rs 5-10 per kg but it has increased again this week. The prices of all types of vegetables are higher in the market now. Only papaya and kachu are available at Rs 50 per kg. Apart from this, no good vegetables are available below 60 rupees. 120 to 180 rupees per kg of beans. Small size cauliflower and cabbage pieces are being sold for 40-50 rupees. Every hali raw material is being sold at 40/50 rupees. Ripe tomatoes are being sold at 120-140 rupees per kg. Carrots are being sold at 80-100 rupees per kg. Karala is being sold at 80-120 rupees per kg. The barb is being sold at 60 rupees per kg. Patol, shrimp, kankrol, chichinga, brinjal are being sold at 60-70 rupees. Although the government and the commerce ministry are talking about market control, nothing is happening. On the contrary, the overall situation is deteriorating as the days go by. Some are blaming the government for this. So there is no uncertainty about the issue.

Per kg 50-60 Tk
Per kg 80-90 Tk

The negative effects of the global epidemic corona have naturally reduced the income of the common man. Some have lost their jobs, some have lost business. Various complications have arisen in employment. This situation has a big negative impact on life. Basically food products or non-food; The cost of consuming everything is increasing than before. Inflation has risen abnormally due to floods, disruptions in commodity supply and various complications in importing goods from the world market and has now reached uncontrolled levels. The Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics and BBS's monthly review also found this to be true. A review of the company's rise and fall in June showed that prices of rice, eggs, broiler chicken, vegetables and spices rose in June compared to May. Inflation continued in July and August. In October, it has come down to extremes. Which has become unbearable for the common man.

Statistics show that food inflation is much higher than non-food products. Of the products that account for inflation, food is 55 percent. The share of rice is 23 percent. Rice prices are now quite upward. Prices of other products are also rising. This has led to a major crisis between the lower and middle classes. According to the concerned people, a class of unscrupulous traders are increasing the prices of gas on the pretext of increasing the price of gas, implementation of VAT law and reduction of aman production due to floods. Government sources claim that there is a possibility of increasing the flow of money in the market due to increase in medical expenses, positive remittance flow, mega projects and various government projects. The monetary policy for the current financial year has set a target to increase the flow of money in the market. Of these, public sector debt has increased the most. Due to these reasons, it was previously thought that there would be additional pressure on inflation. And in reality it has happened and that trend is still going on. But the problem is that even though it has got special benefits, the purchasing power of the common man has not increased at all. As a result, the cost of living is expected to increase in the coming days. This will cause problems for the marginalized people of the country. And the government does not seem to have any pre-preparation to solve these problems. As a result, it is not uncommon for the price situation to deteriorate further in the coming days.

Basically, food prices rise naturally in September-October and November. This time too there was no deviation. However, this time the rise in prices has broken all past records. The floods, the Corona, the turmoil in the world market and the imposition of tariffs on imports have exacerbated the trend. As a result, the life of the people whose income has shrunk has become miserable. Therefore, the urge to keep the prices of daily commodities at a tolerable level on priority basis has come from various quarters. In this case, the concerned people are emphasizing on controlling the market manipulation and effective market monitoring in order to bring down the inflation. Besides, non-food items such as medical supplies, travel expenses, house rent, etc. have been suggested to be kept within the capacity of the people. But there is no positive activity of those concerned in these matters. As a result the problem is going from problem to problem.

The government has always been in favor of controlling commodity prices. But there is no reflection of that in the market. For good reason, there is a need to ensure the effectiveness of the government in controlling the market. It is also very important to balance supply and demand. In this case, there is no alternative to modernizing and modernizing the market monitoring system. But first of all the market syndicate has to be broken. Unscrupulous police members have to stop collecting bribes from freight trucks. The dream of controlling commodity prices will remain elusive if the extortion of bullies on the way cannot be stopped.

Market participants say that one of the most important aspects of market management is market control. In order to control the market as a whole, we have to not only meet the domestic demand but also spread our products or services in the world market. However, in this case, it is necessary to have a thorough idea about the balance between local production and demand. In order to establish overall control in the current competitive market, importance should be given to imports as well as exports. It is possible to establish control not only in the consumer market, but also in the financial market. Market control is an important issue for any state government. In this case, the government and all those in charge have to show much more tact and sincerity. The issue of public awareness in this regard is not to be ignored.

Bangladesh is a developing country of the third world. Most of the people in the country live below the poverty line. The most talked about issue in the country in recent times is the unbridled rise in daily necessities. Black market, profiteering, hoarding, various reasons, including rice, pulses, oil, salt, pepper, sugar, milk, the price of daily necessities is constantly rising. Which has made the life of common man restless and restless.

The relationship between human life and commodity prices is very close. How a family manages their daily lives depends on their income, needs and commodity prices. When the price of every essential product is affordable and within the purchasing power of the common man, their life becomes comfortable. On the other hand, there is no end to the suffering of poor and extremely poor families when the prices of essential commodities become inconsistent with the financial compatibility of the common man. Basically, the abnormal rise in commodity prices is one of the reasons for the suffering of the people.

Although the price situation in the country has deteriorated in recent times, the government or the concerned departments are not taking any effective measures to control the market. Everything is confined to a bouquet of words. As a result, black marketeers, profiteers, stockholders are getting Oscars and the situation is deteriorating further as planned. To get from the commodity field to the city market, the farmer has to pay a lot of money for subscription, brokerage, middleman, transportation cost etc. It is not possible for the farmer to supply affordable products then. A class of unscrupulous merchants unexpectedly increases the price of goods by keeping them in stock. Many times traders increase the price of imported goods and sell them. In addition, per capita crop land is declining, productivity is declining due to land infertility, inadequate transportation system is not adequately marketed, smuggling is one of the reasons for the rise in prices of essential commodities.

The unbridled rise in commodity prices has already taken a toll on the common man. In this context, the growing pressure of inflation has made it imperative to take effective and timely action. And for this, the concerned people do not see any alternative to stop the black market and smuggling of the country. In this regard, the law enforcement agencies of the country have been urged to be more strict and responsible. Suggestions to increase various facilities including lending to farmers in remote areas have come from various quarters. There is a need to modernize the communication system so that the daily necessities can be marketed easily and in a short time. The government needs to fix the price of each product so that no one can charge higher prices from the buyers.

There are some positive things being said for the government in this crisis of rising commodity prices. The store has also been instructed to draw up a fixed price list of products so that the sellers do not increase arbitrarily. The TCB (Trading Corporation of Bangladesh) has been given the responsibility to monitor the matter. The Ministry of Commerce has been directed to send the list of retail and wholesale prices of sensitive products every week. At present, according to the law, it is mandatory to draw up the price list of the products in the shops.

But in view of the situation, it seems that the government has fulfilled its responsibility only with instructions. But ordinary people are complaining that these guidelines are not being followed properly or not. There is no way to control the price situation for good reason. As a result, it is not possible to close the market syndicate.

However, it is not possible to solve this problem by placing all the responsibility on the government, but public awareness is also important in this regard. Although there are various reasons for the rise in commodity prices, traders' syndicates and profiteering are mainly responsible. Therefore, the self-conscious people of the country are emphasizing on building a social movement to prevent price rise. Therefore, it is necessary to bring dishonest and profiteering traders under the law. In this case, the government can take the help of the victims. Otherwise, the rise in prices and suffering of the people cannot be stopped.

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Timely article... You say True... People suffer from high price huking

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3 years ago

Not everyone could afford the price of a commodity

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3 years ago

Yeah... You thought right

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3 years ago

Akdom thik kotha

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3 years ago

I am agree with you.i like it.

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3 years ago