River Cruise Experience with Friends

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Avatar for Kawsarr
2 years ago
Date:- 4 August 2022, Thursday
Article No.3
Topic: River Cruise Experiences.

The Moments spent with friends Always Enjoyble. After completing their school life,All friends moved to different places. They are all admitted in different colleges. So, don't meet much with them. But this is tume ai met everyone before Eid and We all planned that we all go on a tour the day of after Eid.

Our Friendship grew very close, because we spent a lot of time together in school life. But after getting to college, Evryone went to different places and due to the pressure of studying. We did not meet to long days. But this time of Eidul Ajha, Evryone get has a holiday on Eid . So, let's plan a River trip where we can have a good time.

We all left home at 12 a.m. noon. It took about 3 hours to reach our destination. We Reached there around 3 p.m. There is only one reason to go there in the afternoon, Going there we will watch the Sunset on the river. Friends have not to sunset for a long time. The sunset will give us wonderful moments. We left a little late to enjoy the beautiful moments of the sunset.

The name of the place is 'Nil Dariya'. It is a very ancient place.

Dr. Wazed Bridge
Kartawa River

Before Reaching there, We saw a beautiful bride, I took a picture from this beautiful bride. Sun Weather and bridge combination was so pretty.

Beutiful and colourful Road

We was impressed by the entrance to the place after saw this beautiful road. Small road but this is very colourful and Looking so Beautiful.

We saw many beautiful trees around this place. A pleasant environment surrounded by greenery. On reaching there, the greenery attracted to our attention.

After Reaching there we bought five cokes from the stall. Evryone drank with satisfaction.

Ducks are playing on the Rivers
We did fun with water

Then we went to the River sides. By then sun had almost gone down in the western sky. I captured some beautiful moments of sunset on my camera .

Then we boarded the boat and cruised around the river for about 30 minutes. The boat was engine driven.

We are on the Boat in River
We are Enjoying our Boat journey
My Picture besides the River

We visited a lot of places in the river by boat. We Enjoyed a very beautiful moments.

Didn't stay long time as it was evening. We left there to return home. The Moments spent with friends were very beautiful. I don't know when I will be able to tour together again with my friends. But I will remember this day for the rest of my life.

All photos source:- Me

📸Click by Redmi Note 10 device

Edited by Snapseed

Hope You enjoy Ours Tour photos & this Article.
Please Ignore my Grammatical Mistakes 🙏 
Thanks for Reading and Watching 
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Avatar for Kawsarr
2 years ago


Wonderful article brother.. Keep it up and go ahead

$ 0.00
2 years ago

What camera is used to capture the pics?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I Used phone Camera, Name is Redmi Note 10.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Woh! Man those are some breathtaking views and some excellent captures.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you So Much my dear brother for Wonderful feadback on my article 🥰

$ 0.00
2 years ago