Hello BitcoinCash, Happy Birthday

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1 year ago

Hello Guys! You know today 5th Anniversary of BitcoinCash. Today is special day for all BitcoinCash Lover's.

I was introduced to Bitcoin Cash before I was introduced to full cryptocurrencies. My first traded currency was Bitcoin Cash. Now I have BitcoinCash as my favourite currency. Because, it was the first crypto currency I ever used. Learned about this coin when I didn't know anything about crypto, just working online. Slowly later I understood and got to know about crypto currency.

Having Transfer the BitcoinCash for the first time, I thought to myself how is it possible to transfer a coin so easily and so quickly! I couldn't believe it after the first transaction. because, usually it takes a lot of time when we transact money through banks. At least it takes some time for the money to move from one end to the other, But how can the coin move so easily from one to the other in a short period of time without incurring any additional fees. So, I love so much BitcoinCash.

What is BitcoinCash

BitcoinCash is a cryptocurrency created from a hard fork of Bitcoin in 2017. Later it is managed on its own blockchain. After the Created of Bitcoin by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009, it created a stirring around the world. Later in 2017, the hard fork of Bitcoin was divided into 2 hard forks. The first one was Bitcoin Cash and the other split Bitcoin Cash into two parts. One is Bitcoin ABC and the other is Bitcoin SV. The developers of Bitcoin Cash completed this task by making changes to Bitcoin Code.

Now BitcoinCash is a peer-to-peer cash system that makes transactions easy and with little fees.

Why I loved BitcoinCash

Bitcoin Cash is one of my favorite coins. Because, its transaction capacity is very fast and its fees are very low. Compared to other coins it transacts very quickly and charges less fees. Where other coins require some time to transact and charge a lot of fees, Bitcoin Cash charges only small fees lest 0.01$ and can be easily transferred from one Wallet to another wallet. Due to this, payment system with BitcoinCash has been introduced in various shops. Various sites are now using BitcoinCash as tips. Now a popular currency around the world is called Bitcoin Cash.

Now bitcoincash is not just a cryptocurrency, it is now a payment medium for people and it is a currency used in daily activities. People choose bitcoincash as a payment system because it can be paid very quickly without any problem. That's why I love bitcoincash so much.

Bitcoin & BitcoinCash

Although BitcoinCash was created from Bitcoin, now BitcoinCash is managed in a completely separate block, which has its own block and smart chain. Bitcoin has faster transfer capabilities than Bitcoin and fees are lower than BitcoinCash. Both coins have a supply of 21 million, which is the same. Currently 1 Bitcoin is worth 24000 and Bitcoin Cash is worth 140. But in terms of usage, I would put BitcoinCash ahead of Bitcoin.

CoinMarketCap:- BCH Rank 29 & Price 140$

Success in 5 years

After its creation in 2017, Bitcoin Cash has created a stirring around the world. *BitcoinCash is very popular especially as a payment system in various shopping malls and on the online sites. Customers are choosing BitcoinCash as payment for purchasing various products. Because, as mentioned earlier, its transaction capacity is very fast and fees are comparatively very low.

  • Another feature is that BitcoinCash stores its users' transaction history so that the history is easily viewed and customers cannot cheat.

  • Another notable feature is that users can easily transact by hiding their identity. which protects user privacy.

  • Another success of BitcoinCash is that its Smart.BCH Chain Smart.BCH Chain has been developed and is in progress. It is hoped that very soon Smart.bch will spread around the world and BitcoinCash transactions will continue more easily.

  • Taking advantage of BitcoinCash's fast transfer capabilities and low fees, many Online sites have sprung up on the Internet that offer tips to users through BitcoinCash.

* Two such popular sites are Noise.Cash and Read.Cash

Celebrition of 5th Birthday of BitcoinCash

Many Happy Returns of the day 🥳 Hãppy Bîrthdãy Tòô Yôù Bitcoin.Cash 🥳

I am so Happy and We are so happy for My favourite Coin 5th Birthday. Hope Every BitcoinCash Lover's Celebrating This special day 🥳

Above all, let me say one thing, may this beloved This Coin (BCH) of mine last for years, ages and spread successfully all over the world. I hope to the great creator that it wins the hearts of all the people of the world.

5th Anniversary of BitcoinCash
Thanks Everyone For Reading my Article.

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1 year ago


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