What to be done regarding poverty

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Providing a detailed definition of ”poverty“ will be difficult to, because circumstances are different in every country. But in widespread, ”poverty" as physical. The term can be described in a few classifications, such as “money deprivation" people living below a particular average. “services deprivation” For instance. absence of health or education services, “access deprivation" e.g. very difficult access to water, and transportation. “voice deprivation” e.g. exclusion from participation in decision making, gender, and geographic imbalances and consequence deprivations, etc.

Some people talk about poverty as an extensive term such as the mind, emotional, spiritual, psychological terms of poverty. But I think that it is difficult to remedy every person's psychological poverty entirely because it is difficult to do so, more than the physical term of poverty. So poverty is mostly referred to the physical deprivation. lack of necessities, economic insufficiency for everyday lives. Poverty is an indication, a sign of something very wrong with the human society, which is going on and becoming an unpleasant situation in human society, and It is an indication that development has not happened, and poverty is a cause that prevents the development by preventing people from working toward these human conditions. which does not provide them and give them the chance of achieving that, which only gives the society more bad conditions.

Poverty is not necessary, inevitable human state of being, but it is an outcome of the way humans have designed the economic, political, social. cultural, gender, ecological, and religious structure of society. It is the detailed outcome of informed decisions made by some humans. This is because there is adequate food produced in the world today to eliminate global hunger. But unfortunately, society is made that only 2 billion people in the world are producing and can have enough food, but the rest of the people don't even have the tiniest necessities. Some have enough aids for basic needs such as housing, clean water, education, and health services, but do not have devoted priorities to develop those resources to true national development. People are needy because the condition they are in is a result of policies, schemes. priorities and politics, although some are poor because they are lazy, lack commitment, and are ready to accept their poverty.

I think that the first thing that the progressive countries should do is to have more real information about every country which is grieving from poverty and then they have to know and feel that something must be done to assist these countries to have a better way of living so that every person living in this world has a right to live and can have a decent happier life and be more comparable. We have to heighten our awareness first. The underdeveloped countries must believe that they are the ones who have to remake their own society, and not blame or depend on other countries. A handful of poor people think that somebody from the developed country is going to help them out because they have sympathy for them. and that they have money to solve any problem. But most people are ready to do whatever chore to earn money for their living

Then the volume of economic nation's programs must be examined in terms of their impact on the weakest part of society, the poor. especially women and children. The content of poverty eradication programs obviously is oriented toward the poor. but whether or not the poor actually benefit is something to be monitored always and evaluated carefully and thoroughly. The programs should provide not only health and education development but also productive opportunities such as agriculture services for small farmers. youth employment, facilities for women, and so on. Economic growth objectives must be done.

In conclusion, Poverty eradication is not idealistic and maybe unrealistic, but it is an ideal that we should try to establish. And it is not poverty reduction, but poverty eradication that we have to achieve. We have to try not to create great gaps between rich and poor because solidarity is destroyed If poverty eradication succeeds, the economic growth will build up solidarity, and the gap between rich and poor will not exist. But solidarity does not mean egalitarianism where everybody is exact, but It means a more equal society where the gross inequalities of participation and ratio are eliminated.

$ 4.39
$ 4.39 from @TheRandomRewarder


That very nice topic keep it up with nice article

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3 years ago

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$ 0.00
3 years ago

This your article about poverty is interesting mean while due to this your article, i have learn so many things to be done to prevent poverty. Thank you alot friends. You are the best

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3 years ago