How can you drive more with less petrol? Learn the most helpful advice from experts.

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Avatar for KattiKhels
2 years ago
How can you drive more with less petrol? Learn the most helpful advice from experts.

If the car consumes more petrol then our monthly budget is affected. Let us give you some tips that will help you to drive more cars with less petrol.

  • Check the tires

Make sure to check the air in the tires once a week, in case of high winds the car will consume less petrol. Check the tires.

  • Engine tuning

Be sure to tune your engine. Replace the car's plug, engine oil and filters in a timely manner so that the car will use less petrol.

  • Monitor the condition of the filter

Never use a dust filter as this will prevent the engine from getting the right amount of air and poor performance of the engine will cost more petrol.

  • Fuel filter

Always use the fuel filter as indicated and never use another filter.

  • Weight loss

Empty the dock of your vehicle and remove unnecessary items from it. The weight of the CNG tank also degrades the average of the vehicle. The more the vehicle is free from extra load, the better its performance will be.

  • Thin tires Try to use

thinner tires so that the vehicle will have less friction with the road and less fuel.

  • Do not fill the gas tank completely

Do not allow your car to run out of gasoline, which will put pressure on the fuel pump, and do not fill the vehicle cantilever completely, as the weight of the car will reduce the average of the car.

  • Good quality petrol

Look for a pump that is free of gasoline, so that not only will there be no knocking, but the average will be good.

  • Low use of AC

Do not use AC if you are driving in the city.

  • Keep the car speed low

If you keep the speed of your car low, you can save 33% of petrol. Keep your speed at 60 to 70 kmph and do not exceed 80 kmph on the long route.

  • Apply less brakes

Slowing down will save you the trouble of having to apply the brakes again and again and will also reduce your petrol consumption.

If you have to keep the car warm in winter, do not start the car for a long time without any reason, but drive it after starting for two or three minutes, after a while the car will warm up and start running normally.

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Avatar for KattiKhels
2 years ago
