Chicken Dinosaur ... Jersey Giant

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2 years ago
Jersey giant hens are 26 inches tall and weigh 15 to 20 pounds. (Photos: Social Media)

Evolutionary science says that all birds, including chickens, evolved from dinosaurs. Called the Jersey Giant, this large hen seems to reinforce this idea.

However, this is not a natural breed of chicken, but it was developed in the 19th century by two American brothers, John and Thomas Blake, who were passionate about poultry, through the gradual cross-breeding of three large chickens.

The purpose of breeding large chickens was to provide a low-cost and easy alternative to the turkey, a popular bird in the United States. Let's say that a turkey is a bird just like a hen, but it is much bigger in size than ordinary hens.

When the Black Brothers produced chickens with the desired characteristics, they called them "Black Giants" and attributed them to their family name.

But after a while, it was changed to "Jersey Giant" to suit the US state of New Jersey, because the Black Brothers belonged to the same state where this new breed of chickens was bred. From then until today, the name of these chickens is known as "Jersey Giant".

Jersey giant hens are up to 26 inches tall and weigh 15 to 20 pounds. Their eggs are also much larger than other hens.

However, it takes more time for them to reach full size than other hens, so they have not been able to replace the "turkey" until today, but their eggs are definitely sold at a higher price.

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2 years ago
