Rape and blackmail.

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4 years ago

The girl is returning home with a tired body after room-dating to pay the price of love an hour ago. On the other hand, the boy is sitting in the tea shop with his chest open and going with the details of his room date with his friends. A friend said,

"Dude, do you eat honey alone?"

Don't give us?

Why don't I give it to you, I have made a video, I will beat her again and bring her to the room date, then we will all eat together, if she doesn't agree, then I will blackmail her with this video.

I thought you were a piece of shit, but you are geneouse man!

Such a stage fair is held in the chat of friends, someone's chastity goes, someone is busy planning to enjoy. A few days later, the girl started receiving various threats, not only her boyfriend, but also her friends started blackmailing her in various ways. Threat to spread on YouTube, Facebook, Chatty blog.

I don't know how far that man can go down just for a momentary happiness when he dies today and tomorrow is two days away,

There are two types of rapists in our society,

  1. Anti-social rapist- The price of love

  2. Social rapist.- Roomdate

Their rape strategy is completely different, the antisocial rapist, who forcibly kidnaps.

Four or five people will bite and eat the girl. And the social rapist will rape in the name of love, in the name of friendship, or in the name of husband.

The girl who is raped by her husband in her bed every night, we call her holy love, the love of husband and wife. But if a girl says "no no", then she has to understand that "no no means no" is rape without paying attention to her words. - Roomdate

The girl who believes she can go roommate with you doesn't want to cheat on you anymore. Went because she loved. You have no right to deceive her. The girl who leaves her parents and comes to an unknown family and adopts that family, forcing her to do so can no longer be the love of a husband. We don't have to take the life of any girl to get rid of the intoxication called sex in our body. If you go to a prostitute's town, you can spend a few hundred rupees. Most sex workers sell bodies for their stomachs. No matter how minimal their profession, it is enough to satisfy a little bit of your masculinity. It will also save their stomachs and no one's life will be ruined because of you.

I am telling both the girl and the boy, if you hold the watch for one hour. Don't ruin the happiness of the whole life in this one hour cycle. Nowadays, it is a sex toy, and the price of eating rice with potatoes and pulses is the same as going to a hotel in the city of prostitution. But why is this bestiality still alive among us?

Not advice, honestly as you did, so be it with you. Maybe with your daughter, then copy this status of mine and hang it on your wall and say that even if you buy Japanese sex toys, you can't ruin your daughter's life.

When you secretly abort your own daughter with your head. Just then he would put his hand on his forehead and say, if I had not played with the life of the girl, it would not have happened to my daughter and wife. -Roomdate

Who knows, your daughter will be the victim of such backmailing, like the girl,

And you will sit and watch the joke and say there will never be justice in this country. When no one can judge you, it would be better not to impose the responsibility of judging others on the country.

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Thank you. Hope you'll read my article and understand it what I wrote here. ☺

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4 years ago
