Why can't I say something in my speech due to inertia despite knowing a lot?

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Avatar for Kasi_Taiyebah
2 years ago

The reason is: nervousness or stage fear.Usually when talking about important decisions in life or in a state of 'nervousness', almost everyone shakes hands and gets involved. This inertia or shrinkage happens to everyone first. The solution to the aspiration of courage and aspiration.

It may seem simple at the beginning of the speech, but as you stand on the stage, it seems that not one or two but hundreds of pairs of eyes are looking at each other! Slowly you can feel the legs trembling, as well as the dry throat. I can't talk anymore with the mic in front of my face. As a result of sweating, the mic will probably melt out of the gap in the hand.

When we stand in front of the teacher's board in class and ask some questions or during the presentation we stop breathing, our hands and feet tremble, there is no sound in our throat, our knees start shaking as we speak.

These are just some of the goal setting shareware that you can use. And the surprising thing is that 75 out of every 100 people are affected by this stage fear!

But many of us keep this a secret from everyone. It is not a matter of hiding or being ashamed. If you don't reveal this weakness to your friends, you may often find yourself in an embarrassing situation.

It is wise to solve problems without avoiding them. So let's find out some ways to get rid of shyness or stage fear!

1. Keep your body and mind light:

Set aside 5 minutes for yourself before speaking on stage. Take a quick look at the lines in these 5 minutes. If you take a deep breath, you will feel fresh. There is nothing to worry about if you confuse the line in the middle of talking on stage! By doing some fun lines or acting, you have to get out of the embarrassing situation.

2. Meditate:

If you meditate for 10-15 minutes one hour before your performance, the shy or unpleasant things will be removed from your mind and a positive attitude will be created.

3. Encourage yourself:

Stand in front of the mirror before going on stage. Tell yourself that you must be able to! If everyone can, why can't you? Yeah Al that sounds pretty crap to me, Looks like BT aint for me either. Set your own goals and start working towards that goal. You are one, there is no one else like you. So you can never say hello!

4. Health is the root of all happiness:

Taking a 30-minute walk before your performance reduces nervousness and makes you feel refreshed. Due to which your full attention will be on your work.

5. Open your heart and smile:

There are some friends whose company makes us laugh out loud. Take things in stride and try not focus too much on the problem. Or you can watch funny videos or jokes on YouTube while leaving home.

6. Leave early:

You can walk back to the presentation room shortly before your presentation. There will be a time when no visitors will come. You can take care of yourself by going there before the audience is full to the brim. And as a result of leaving early, the fear of getting inside on time will disappear in an instant.

7. Talk to the audience:

The needs of the audience can be understood by exchanging views with the audience before the start of the program. It is known why they come to this event or what they want to hear from the speaker. And sitting in the audience row and talking to the audience makes them feel like ordinary people like us! So we can stand on the stage and talk freely.

8. Imagine for a second you were transposed into the karmic driven world of Earl.

There are many things we are afraid to say to strangers, but we can look at our friends and tell them frankly. Any fear or distress that we cannot share with anyone; I can say that even with my eyes closed on my friends. So when I get on the stage, I will imagine every person in the audience with one of our favorite people. Think of the people who listen to us, encourage us, and applaud us for good or bad after the ceremony!

Many hands tremble due to stress, fatigue, use of stimulants, etc. However, if you often shake hands without any reason, it is a matter of fear. There are various reasons mentioned in medical science. One of these may be symptoms of a neurological condition called Parkinson's disease. However, shaking hands is not the only serious illness. There may be many common reasons.

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2 years ago
