What is life? Why God made us and sent to earth ? If wo think about it then we know that God created us with a meaning with a purpose. But we are not familiar with this purpose and we dont know even what we r doing in the world .you just asked from ppl how is you life going and they reply yeah we r spending..nobody said that he/she is living his /her life.
Spending and living are two different terms..people who r spending their life are waiting for death but not ready to die they only know how to morn on the life.Their lives are full of disappointment, hopeless and darknes because they dont want to see the rising of sun.They dont want to see the transformation of noght into day.
The people who are living their life they have the passion , determination,hope ,right attitude toward life .because they believe in their dreams .people who have not dreams then they struggle for what?
So,try to enjoy even every single moment of life which will never come again.wake up and recognise yourself who you are?life is not given to waste.Find happiness arround yourself and never let to go.Do what you want and it will become the source of your peace .
Valuing yourself and others who belong to you .Never give up .Always trying and loving ur passion it will give you a determination to do your best with a new zeal and strength .keep believing in you God and fate.Always hope for good and have a trust in yourself.
I hope you guyz enjoy after reading ..plz consider ur life as a blessimg not a burden .you have the potential to reach to your destination.