Why is Life is so Boring

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Avatar for KaryleMae
3 years ago

I was sitting on my couch with my tablet the other week, writing about, well, living life to the fullest. It began to rain after a few hours. So, despite having seen the rain tens of thousands of times before, I looked outside and happened to peek into my neighbor's window, in the most non-creepy way possible, I swear. In any case, she was in the kitchen preparing something. A couple seemed to be laying on the couch in the window next to hers, watching TV. And then I had a thought:

What is wrong with just living an ordinary life?

We've all been there: you're going about your business when you come across a quote that says something along the lines of "To live life is to travel the globe and buy a house on the moon." And you're like, "Oh, here I was, sitting in my tiny kitchen, sipping my morning coffee while listening to Harry Potter soundtracks, perfectly happy, but I guess I'm not living enough, then."

There is no lack of information available on how to live huge, be bold, and why you should dream bigger in life. How to get the most out of life.

What do you think when you hear that phrase? Live life to the fullest?

My first thought, as much as I don't want to admit it, is to do things like swimming with sharks, bungee jumping, visiting incredible locations, and meeting interesting people. It's all a slew of awesomeness. But it doesn't even appeal to me.Not that I hate travel or cool people; some of my favorite memories are from both, and I believe one could live off the high of having swum with sharks for a long time and have a great story to tell, but filling my life with such encounters is not my idea of a full life.

So, despite the fact that I don't consider that to be my idea of living life to the fullest, that's where my mind goes when I think of living life to the fullest? Is it possible that I'm suppressing an underlying desire? I'm not sure, and I'm willing to learn more.

What do you think?

Part of me believes it's due to the impact of stuff like social media, which has deceived me into believing I'm craving an epic/awesome lifestyle. Part of me blames my human nature. We want to appear as if we live exciting lives, and we want to be admired.Consider how tempting it would be if you could fill your life with epicness and awesomeness but weren't allowed to share it with others, not by pictures or videos, and not through telling anyone about it.

We just want to live a life that will be remembered, not only by ourselves, but by others after we're gone. And it doesn't seem that average people's lives will make the cut. Such lives are normally ignored, as if they are incapable of some kind of consideration. We don't share their stories because we don't want to offend them. At this point, I should probably explain what I mean by ordinary life and what I don't mean by it.

I don't say that you can't have dreams or passions. I don't think you shouldn't try new things or get yourself out of your comfort zone. So, what exactly do I mean? “Do not expect your children to aspire for exceptional lives,” I believe this quote says it best. Such perseverance may seem admirable, but it is the path of folly. Instead, assist them in discovering the wonder and marvel of everyday life. Show them the joy of tasting tomatoes, apples and pears.

Demonstrate how to mourn as pets and people pass away. Demonstrate how endless happiness can be found in the touch of a palm. And bring the mundane to life for them. The unusual can take care of itself.” The common, in my view, is fascinating if we want to see it that way, and we shouldn't be fooled by a quote or a post to believe otherwise. I realize it's better said than done.

Here's an illustration. When I talk about journaling, at least a few people say stuff like, "I have nothing to write about because my life isn't really interesting." And, sure, I'm not here to tell someone what they should or shouldn't find interesting. Always, I say to myself, “Yeah, that's exactly what you think!” Write about how you went grocery shopping today!

How did you plan for it? What did you get?

What goes through your mind when you're picking tomatoes? Do you choose the unattractive ones because you pity them? On average, how many avocados do you squeeze before you find one you like? Do you pass judgment on someone while they are squeezed? Take note of the little decisions, habits, and feelings that come to mind as you go about your daily routine, such as getting groceries.Don't be fooled by the curiosity that can be found in even the most boring of human encounters. Take a picture of it.

The point is that it's not only about the activity itself; it's also about how we communicate with it and learn about it. Thinking about this has made me wonder if all of this, our culture of always seeking something, is the reason we struggle to find joy in some of the most simple and meaningful things we have as humans, such as our relationships. Obviously, there are several other explanations for the country's 50% divorce rate, but I can't help but wonder if we're too busy dreaming and chasing the "bigger" and "higher" and "cooler" stuff in life that we fail to nurture what's right in front of us?

For example, not watering our houseplant because you're daydreaming about palm trees. Nonetheless, we have the audacity to wonder why our plant is so pale and to be shocked when it dies. As some of you might know, Stoner is still my favorite novel, despite the fact that it is one of the most uninteresting books I've ever read. It's about a man who leads an easy, everyday life, but I find him incredibly fascinating.

Now, obviously, it's not just because of the plot; the writing is also really good; I'm sure John Williams, the author, could write about almost anything and make it interesting. By the way, because I've talked about Stoner so much, it makes me so happy when you give me pictures of you reading it. a person who leads a fast-paced life or who fantasizes about epicness. That inspires me just as much as those who yearn for a simpler life filled with more routine.

I simply want those who opt for the latter to not feel guilty, inferior, or unworthy because they believe they aren't living up to the social media ideal of what it means to live life to the fullest. That's what there is to it. So, I'm going to put on the boring ass Harry Potter soundtrack right now, water my boring ass plants, and drink a lame ass cup of coffee, and then I'm going on an epic.

Thank you for sticking it out until the end of this mundane video, and as always, I'll see you in the comment section, which I'm sure will be brimming with awesomeness because you guys are amazing.

Thank you for pay attention my Life God Bless.

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Avatar for KaryleMae
3 years ago


If it is your video just say the original content is on my youtube channel. The name here and on that channel isn't match. If it is not yours, then you are not original and it would not be fair to other members, who work hard writing their own original contents.


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3 years ago