A Prayer For You

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3 years ago

I pray that when anxieties overwhelm you, you would learn to run away from it and help yourself to stand again.I pray that you may come out stronger because being an over comer is your identity. I pray for your heart to be full of courage rather than living in fears. i pray that you'd learn to be kinder to yourself too and to be the light on the people around you because we are all facing different battles. I pray for you to come out as a person who is not afraid of breaking because you know to Whom you put your whole trust with. i pray that you would never get tired of reminding yourself of the things that you've been able to overcome, the times that you thought you were not going to make it, but the Man up there pulled you through. I pray that you would give credits to yourself too, for all the battles you won, all the stumbles and fall, all the breakdowns that led you to breakthroughs. I pray that you would remind yourself of your past victories and to tell yourself that you will make it again because you're born victorious. I pray for you to remember how He finished your battles before, how He overcame it, and He will do it again for you..

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