Drone Taxi, the Latest Technological Innovation from Bantul. Future Mode of Transportation

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Avatar for Kanzler01
2 years ago

When you hear a technology called 'drone', what comes to your mind? He must have imagined beautiful cinematic videos because they were recorded with a drone in the air. Yes, the drone's initial function was to take aerial photos from the air. But did you know there is another function of drones that will change the future of humanity?

No, this is not the function of drones as reconnaissance and gunners like what happened in Iran when an Iranian general was shot by an American drone. However, drones can be much more than that. Drones can be a mode of transportation. From Bantul, Yogyakarta, a start-up is initiating the concept of a drone taxi. What kind of taxi concept was created from this drone? Let's take a look at the reviews together.

Drone taxis are an innovative breakthrough in the world of transportation. Can you imagine taking a flying taxi like in the future?

Frogs Indonesia, a start-up from Bantul, Yogyakarta, is creating transportation innovations with a vision for the future. They created a taxi from a drone which means the taxi flies in the air. Have you ever imagined films featuring flying cars? Well, Frogs Indonesia is trying to pioneer a transportation with a similar concept.

The Co Founder of Frogs Indonesia, Asro Nasiri said that the creation of this drone taxi started with the work of students who succeeded in creating drones. Another challenge emerged that wanted Frogs Indonesia to develop drones that could be used to transport or transport humans. Finally, last September 2017, his party started to make a drone taxi project. The research costs are not cheap, namely 5 billion rupiah.

Last weekend, Frogs Indonesia conducted a drone taxi flight test in Gunungkidul. Even though it has been lifted, the drone taxi is not yet able to fly high

The drone taxi trial at Gading Gunungkidul airfield was carried out on Saturday. This first trial did not go smoothly. The drone taxi has indeed been raised as high as 50 cm but it looks like the drone is not stable. So the drone test flight was stopped. Chief Technology Official (CTO) Dedi Satria Maulana said that the first stage of the trial was to find a number of problems with the drone.

"We will reset it later. We reset the motor, where we need to increase the limit. This is probably because the conditions are still cold and humid, so the density is not supportive,”

This drone taxi is planned to be launched in June 2022. However, there needs to be regulations from the government because drone taxis don't have regulations yet

Lead image from docs.google.com

$ 1.43
$ 1.43 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Kanzler01
2 years ago


At the speed with which technology is advancing nowadays, we are not surprised by anything in the field. Very soon these drones will also carry passengers to the moon!I'm spok, I'm glad to meet you!

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2 years ago