"Here are Some Basic Essential Health Tips to Get Fit"

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3 years ago

I want to share to you today some health tips to get fit. Hope you like my article. ENJOY!

Basic Essential Health Tips

Here are ten basic things to practice everyday to make sure you are in the right healthy path.

1. Move your body

Climb stairs, chase your kids, play street football with friends, cutt grass in the garden, walk to the supermarkets. Anything that moves your limbs not only does wonders to fitness, it also relieves stress. You dont have to do major activities like an hour in the gym, a 45 minute aerobic class or kickboxing. Moving and doing more than sitting or lying down most of the time will definitely do good to your body and mind. You should challenge yourself everyday to find ways to move your body.

2. Down with fat

Avoid the obvious such as fried and oily foods like pork, bacon, ham, salami, ribs and sausage. Opt for the low fat versions of dairy products such as cheese,cottage cheese, milk and cream. Limit your intake of nuts and sandwich meats, mayoinnaise, maragarine, butter and sauce.

3. No smoking here

Didnt doctors a long time ago told everybody that smoking was harmful to your health? This even warning is plastered on cigarette packets and boxes, so smoking got to be very harmful to our health, not to mention the planet. Gradually quitting the habit usually doesnt work. Its best to stop once and for all.

4. Bust stress

Stress busters come in many forms. Think positive thoughts, spend a several minute a day doing something you like, walk on the beach or in a park, read a good book, isit a friend, soak in the tub, listen to soothing music, watch a funny movie. Meditate. When you feel like getting back at someone who offended you, count to ten and breathe deeply. Avoid difficult people when possible.

5. Protect yourself from pollution

If you cant live in a smog freeenvironment, at least avoid smoke filled rooms and busy throughfares so as not to breathe in the highway fumes. Exercise outside when the smog rating is low. Exercise indoors in air conditionioning when air quality is good. Plants lots of shrubberry in your yard they atmre good filter of pollution and dirty from the street.

6. Floss your teeth

Recent studies make a direct connection between longevity and teeth flossing. Nobody know exactly why. Maybe because its people whos floss tend to be more health conscious than people who dont.

7. Avoid Excessive Drinking

While recent studies show a glass of wine or one drink a day( two for men) can help protect against heart disease, more than that can cause other health problems such as liver and kidney disease and cancer.

8. Be Positive

Theres a definite connection between living well and healthfully and having a cheerful outlook on life.

9. A Healthy Lifestyle

Just because one or both of your parents died young in ill health doesnt mean you cannot counteract the genetic pool handed you. If you make an effort to stay healthy and improve your lifestyle, you can counteract any predisposed illness you were born with.

10. Reward Yourself

Get a massage, a facial, or a haricut. Treat yourself to a fancy dinner. ( just dont forget to order lean meat and fresh vegetables), and a low fat dessert afterwards. Take a trip and get away for a while.

Transition in Life

Many biological changes take place in our body from childhood to old age. Knowing about them allows us to make decisions that will help achieve optimum good health and happiness. It is important to recognize the different needs we have at different times and to prepare for these various transitions.

In whatever stage of life you are at, there are many things you can do to enhance your life and health. And even if you already have ingrained unhealthy habits, it is never to late too change and improve.

How old are you?

There are three types of aging:

Chronological age - actual number of years
Biological age - how well your body continues to function
Phychosocial age - the level of ones mental alertness and sociability


Major harmonal changes take place at this time of life. Girls become young women, and boys become young men. This stage is triggered by the brains pituitary gland which controls the sex hormones that bring on the development of sex organs and other physical changes that come with maturity.

Fast Tips:

• Adolescents must eat food rich in calcium because the bones are growing quickly at this stage. Encourage them to eat more fruits and vegetables and try to limit, if not totally eliminate junk food in thier diets.
• Encourage them to take up sports and engage in regular exercise.
• Adolescents are particularly aware of their looks. Hormonal changes at this stage can cause problems such as acne, body odor, greasy skin and limp hair.
• Encourage them to take exercise good hygienceand to take of their appearance.

Twenties to Thirties (20's-30's)

These are the years when youth is still in our side. This is the stage that we should maintain, if not begin a healthy lifestyle that can be prevent both later degenerative disease and delay of effects of aging. As these are the years when a lot of people start a famalies, it is important to make sure that you eat healthy food and exercise regularly.

Fast tips:

• Each lots of fresh foods and vegetables.
• Eat low fat food and take vitamins and mineral supplements.
• Exercise regularly.
• Learn to relax more to avoid too much stress, especially work.
• Women who plan to have babies should eat more vegetables particularly leafy green ones.

Forties to Fifties (40's-50's)

This is a time of real change, when our body begins to show signs of aging. Hair begins to grow gray, some people gain weighy( particularly around the middle) skin loses of some elasticity and wrinkles can deepen. To stay healthy and prevent illness, you must take extra care of your body at this stage. For women, a good diet and regular exercise will help during the menopause years. This time usually last around three to four years,the few years before your last period and the year after when hormone levels drop. Exercise and proper eating arebmlre important for men too who are entering the higher risk category of major disease.

Fast tips:

• Eat foods high in protective vitamins such as fruit and red and green vegetables.
• Eat food in high in calcium and magnesium to prevent osteoporosis.
• In your 50s your body does not need as much food as before thats why you can cut back a little more on fats, carbohydrates and size of your meals.
• This is the time to do regular exercise to ensure healthy mobility in your later years.
• Osteoarthritis can be prevented with regular exercise such as walking, swimming, slow exercise like yoga and tai-chi
• Menopausal women ( and also mean) at this stage should regularly go for medical check ups to ensure that they are remain free from major injuries.


The later in decades in life mean the high plateau of life. It is time to reflect and pass on your experience to others. To enjoy life fully at this stage, you should be dedicated in healthy eating practices and staying fit. It is time for positive thinking and new beginnings. The change from an active working life to retirement is a big challenge, but it doesnt mean you should withdraw from the world. In fact, it is the time to explore new interests or go back to where you left off with all the things you have always wanted to do but never had the time for.

Fast Tips:

• Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Dietary needs change as we get older, but it is important to continue to eat healthily and watch the amount of fat, sodium and sugar in your diet.
• Do regular exercise
• Keep busy. Take up a new hobby or interest. Become involved in community events.
• Join groups that engage in worthwhile causes and activities, like day care centers, tree planting groups, charity events,etc.
• Have regular ear, eye and general medical check ups.
• Dont think too much of age. Do what make you feel content, happy and peace with yourself.

Life Span is not Life Expectancy

Life span is biological limit of human life or the absolutely oldest age that an individual could possibly reach in the absence of fatal diseases, predators or accident. Studies says that the life span of modern day men and women is 120 years! Isn't that amazing?

On the other hand, life expectancy is a persons average length of life based on statistical probability taking into consideration the practice of proper diet, immunizations and regular exercise.

Life expectancy in developed countries:

Females: 78-79 years
Males: 71-72 years

Life expectancy in developing countries like the Philippines:
Females: low 60's
Males: high 50's

Hope you enjoy.👍

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Written by
3 years ago
