5 Ways to find Writing inspiration. Don't just be Quit,Lest's start Writing!

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Writing

If you're not in the mood, what do you usually do? Of course there are those who choose to travel far, Netflix, shopping, snacks and some even choose to lie down. But, there are also tablets who choose to write down what they feel.

You know, writing has a very good impact. Writing is not only when we are in a bad mood, but whatever feelings are going on, events are happening. Whatever we can put in a writing. Unfortunately, not everyone wants to write down what they are feeling. It's okay, because everyone must have their own way of expressing feelings and experiences that occur.

"Confused about what to write"

1. Build the slightest intention to start something

When you have built your intention, don't just stop thinking. But, start with simple things. For example, if you lie down again and think about trying to write, then you have to get up from the most comfortable place. Because if not, you just keep your intention and desire to write it in your mind. Come on ... let's get up! He said he wanted to try.

2. Prepare your equipment and find the most comfortable place

Writing equipment doesn't have to be with paper and pen, you can take advantage of existing gadgets or laptops. Eits, it doesn't mean that when you use a gadget or something like that, you actually open other features besides notes, huh.

He said there was already an intention, let's focus. If the equipment is ready, now you are looking for a place that most comfortably makes you feel at home to be there for a while. Why is it some time? Yes, because writing requires calm, and creating a calm is not easy.

3. Pause for a moment. Try to feel and absorb the positive aura that is in your environment.

Creating calm is quite difficult, so it's important that you find the right place. Before you start writing, try to pause for a moment. You can take a deep breath and then you exhale slowly. When you exhale, feel the breath that you are exhaling. You really feel it, while that you can express your gratitude to the Creator for this life. Repeat this method over and over, until you feel calm enough.

4. If you want, before writing you can do contemplation. Doing full concentration of attention, entering into the depths of yourself in silence.

When it comes back to being interesting, you can imagine what things have happened for the past 1 week or so. You can also review events or feelings that might be stuck in you. Don't be held back, don't try to avoid events that make you uncomfortable, don't try to get rid of it. Face the incident, there you will be able to look again at your yesterday, see again what you have done to other people or yourself.

Past events, not always bad. But from there, you can learn to fix what was not good yesterday. Oh yeah, if the place you choose is busy with natural sounds, such as birds chirping or the flow of water, don't feel that the sounds will bother you. But feel it as a means for you to contemplate yourself.

5. Start writing from how you feel. With this contemplation, it can really help you in pouring out the words.

It is time for you to write. First, if during contemplation you were crying, then cry. Nothing can stop you from crying. Second, don't bother creating titles. But immediately you write whatever you feel in simple language, writing doesn't have to have a title. Pour whatever is on your mind, whatever you remember, whatever is on the block. Remember, use simple language, where only you understand what you are pouring. Because this is your writing, your feelings, your words.

"start with a prayer of every thing / thing you want to do"

Third, when you have finished, read what you have written again. Just read. There you will find how you react, only you feel. Maybe after reading that, you will laugh, feel embarrassed, relieved, or even more angry. Yes it is a natural emotion.

"Take a short break with tea and snacks the return to writing until finished"

For the next things, you will decide yourself. Are you going back to writing, or is it just one try? Thats your choice. If writing can have a positive impact, try to continue your writing. It could be, when you feel hurt, sad, disappointed, happy and any feeling, writing is a way for you to be able to reduce negative emotions that exist.

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Avatar for Kahfi
Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Writing
