In Nepal, there is a process of choosing a virgin goddess, and there is also a process of finishing.
Hindus and Buddhists in Nepal have been worshiping this virgin for hundreds of years. Who is believed to be the incarnation of the Hindu goddess Teleju. Hundreds of people come to him every day to offer 'Anjali Dan' and blessings.
But the life of these virgin goddesses also ends early, because after the first menstruation they have to start a normal life.
A virgin is kept inside the temple until menstruation, many people stand in long lines to pay homage to this virgin goddess.
This virgin goddess is considered sacred. Dressed in red, he is adorned on an altar, and everyone worships him.
But these teenage goddesses later lead a normal life. The woman who blesses hundreds of people for hours every day is no longer considered holy after menstruation. The struggle of his ordinary life began.

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Fans are paying homage to the virgin goddess
As an old virgin goddess used to say about her experience, "The first day I had my period, I told my mother. She said, 'From now on you are no longer a virgin goddess. Now you go to a room and lock yourself so that no man can see you.' I was locked in a room for twelve days.
From there I was taken to a temple. My feelings then were mixed. On the one hand, it felt bad that I was no longer a goddess. On the other hand, there was curiosity about what my new life would be like now, how I would blend in with the new society. I was a little scared. "
Human rights organizations in Nepal are claiming that customs like Kumari Devi do not fit with Nepal's development goals. They claim that it is an obstacle to the advancement of girls, their right to education, the right to find friends or the right to go to school.
While not many people have yet spoken out against this practice, many do not expect the life of a virgin goddess for their children.
However, many are in favor of maintaining the tradition because, according to them, "the tradition of this virgin goddess is so unique that it should be preserved."
But now much less girls are interested in becoming virgins.