The world of Online Teaching

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It's been months now since Covid19 pandemic broke out and displaced millions of workers. A lot of people were hopeful and waiting for Covid19 to die down, but it seems like this is not going to happen anytime soon.

Most ESL classrooms are temporarily closed; Therefore, the online world of teaching is booming. And as they say, "Grab it while it lasts!" No matter what your profession was, you can always try online teaching.

Most second language learners online are kids. Hence, to effectively reach out to them, one needs to be as lively and friendly as possible.

No kid wants a super serious teacher. As Koreans say "No jam." 재미 없어 If this is your first time encountering this sentences, for them it means "Not Fun!"

Having a variety of activities also helps a lot in the ESL classroom. Learners would not be bored, and they would be engaged most often than not. Their curiousity would be piqued with new activities. As their teacher, you can experiment on techniques, strategies and activities. You can use your talents to engage your learners.

Another thing is having a positive relationship with your learners. Have fun, and play with them. Be child-like, but not childish. Play like they do, but still be mature enough to consider how they'll feel.

That's it! Welcome to the world of teaching! Please feel free to comment your ideas and experiences about teaching online.

Disclaimer: What I've written here are just my own thoughts, and may contradict others view.

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I have no ideas about teaching but our teachers are taking classes in online. Thanks for the article .

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Online teaching is the most interesting part of our education. This article is very interesting. I like the idea of online teaching.

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4 years ago

online teaching is very important for every students right now because the full world are affacted in covid-19

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4 years ago

Every class has been shut down due to the Karna virus. Online classes are very important at the moment, but it is also important to keep in mind that middle class families are struggling to make ends meet. No one is deprived of you. Thank you

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4 years ago

Online teaching is very interesting. I like this teaching. Online teaching means technology based education. Thanks.

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4 years ago

Online class maybe difficult to those people don't have a smart phone where they can connect in internet. Most of the students don't have this phone. So it will be difficult in thise students part's and that's what's makes it difficult. It's not like everyone have this phone. Specially on provinces. And at this state of time we face a financially difficulties loading your phone everyday might be another struggles to those students. People who are in the middle class can't even donate. Juat a few people with a Good heart can do so. Well The Most known and Ever living is our Creator who know the most. Keep safe everything 😘.

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4 years ago

With the current situation, online teaching is recommendable. Especially here in the Philippines, most of the parents really value education. As what my mom would say, "Yan lang mapapamana ko sa'yo". But I believe that Online education will be really hard here since we are not used to it. But let's hope for the best for the students.

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4 years ago