There was a narrative heard saying that personal history is not really a necessity in this lifetime. Just like the breath we breath out it's not be keeping track of the past breaths, same with personal history, it serves us well within societal constructs because society is backwards in so to say that society judges people based on their pasts. This is not right, not is it wrong because it's a life of choices if you choose to see the right in it, in living based on the past, good for you. We move forward, base our visions, goals and dreams on where we are going not where we are coming from.
Your south node in your birth chart is the place you are coming from, the lessons learned, experiences all these things of strengths that served you in the past. These things no longer were you, what serves you is what's ahead of you by direction of your north star/north node. Its like a child leaving their toys behind as they grow into teenagers and later into adults, they do not leave the growth part of them behind but as an adult, the only real serving that childhood growth has is reality checks. Every now and then there's a few reminders from the past but that's it, we don't go on dwelling in our past and that's what society does. Keeping us based in the past, feeding the ego with the cycles cos you see, ego loves repetition, ego is not a fan of growth ego loves control but ego is also fragile it's probably the most fragile part of us. To keep the ego in check we must grow, knowingly that we do not wish for the ego to take over our lights. Not that the ego is dark but it's pretty ruthless. Growing, failing forwards keeps the ego at bay and that is our goals, our dreams, our visions, the only things we really owe everything to.
We really owe nothing to the world, the world owes us nothing. Its a collection of transactions that took place, everytime we sleep all the transactions have taken place and there is no need to worry about owing anyone because we do not owe anyone. But it's equally true that no matter how much some have taken from us, they owe us nothing. Its transactions that either propel you forward or keep you stuck I the mud, I choose growth, especially over this meatsuit.
Just because we know a few tricks or secrets doesn't make us better than the next guy. The reasons we can't see the signal or connect doesn't make the next guy better than us. We are all fighting our fights, each one their own fight and if we are not helping each other it's best we just have our own way. Sometimes we hold on too long, going back on the sand checking on our footprints, documenting, measuring and worst of all comparing our footprints to others. What this does is leave us well behind the ones we compare ourselves to, as we observe the footprints they are busy making the footprints. Before this becomes a downfall we ought to reassess, recuperate and grow. Adapting to change is a sure way to win, if we can't seem to cope with society then we grow our own way, we will be fine, society is always fine. One thing to keep in mind is that even with the pandemic scams lockdowns life waits for no man, bake your breads or you don't life still goes on. Get the approval or not, life marches on. Either we grow with time and life or we stay stuck in the sand retracing footprints that will eventually fade, the gains are found in the future but are prepared for in the now by focusing on the vision at hand, the dreams at hand, the goals set forth. Distraction has to be the easiest in these times, with all the noise around it gets incredibly easy to lose focus but it's also easier to keep focus. The noise is what will direct our focus, keeping us from the footprints but we have to be careful not to be sucked into another's past.
One sure way to keep us in our footprints is our attachment style. When we constantly detach we teach ourselves that the footprints are not here to stay, they are just a brief reminder that we have momentum and we are moving. If it happens that the footprints stay then we know for sure that we have stagnated, which calls for reassessment then a plan for growth.
Things that keep us stuck in our footprints are all around us, best classified as noise. This noise comes in all sizes shapes and forms, technology is the loudest, almost everything we see these days is technologically inspired in some way shape or form and it's created to block out certain noise by producing its own noise. The conflict between these noise can keep us stuck in our footprints. We need growth!
When we grow we are not alone, it's impossible to grow alone. The word says I m possible but growth, alone? You are stuck in your footprints! Wherever we find ourselves, the house always wins. This means that when you plant forests to forestate the deserted areas you are growing the planet as you grow yourself. When you eat some food like fruits,you grow your body by feeding the bacteria in your gut, you grow the plants by transporting the seeds to be grown elsewhere or the dedication will serve as fertiliser for plant growth. Its a whole natural setting that we cannot grow alone unless we are stuck in our footprints but only for a moment. Society keeps feeding us the same backwards mindset feed of thinking that we grow alone, I grow alone so if I'm not growing someone else needs to be cut down so I get growing. Its very much possible for all of us to grow together. Of course there's going to be champions with whom society will forever play catch-up with but that won't stop us from growing together.
A good detox every now and then, eating live things like fruits ensures growth. This helps rid the body of disease and unwanted attachment, exercise does great to the body by letting the blood and energies flow more freely, allowing us to feel more alive with every breath despite our current situations. We cannot let our outlook dictate us, it gets hard but it's also true that we make it harder for ourselves by giving in to society's constructs. We learn we grow.
I surely did not grow with a very good understanding of English. This is too much of a vocabulary for me. Don't get me wrong, I somehow understood the whole context of your article but I was lost a couple times. That's not your mistake, its mine. Its my job to understand it. I'll probably read it again. Like 2 times more. Hahaha. But based on my initial understanding of your article, I find it very informative. Very well done.