Gaining Momentum

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3 years ago
The Ocean Views

Gaining momentum was one of the hardest things for us to do. Especially the good momentum that required knowing more than just basics, going through the creating of the momentum is pure magic. The high dream is a goal but it normally doesn't last forever or too long. It happens that when we pick up good momentum there's always some eyes that keep on us. For some reason we just need those eyes to keep tabs on us, for whenever we can tip our much needed momentum into their own. Its a beautiful flow this momentum is, it helps us really understand where we stand, who we stand with and those against us. The for or foe doesn't really matter until the momentum shifts happen.

Everything is momentum, in all shapes and forms it's all momentum. The love you share, the money that we get, the actions that we take it the trades that we place are all forms of momentum. Sometimes it's recognised as energy but energy is rather something fluid or liquid in a way that the accumulation of energy overtime is equal to sickness or stagnation. While momentum is the accumulation of momentary energy, enough to move entities along! All the movement is thanks to Momentum!


"Nothing matters more than that I feel good"


There is something about the Momentum needed to push us forward. That it can be both accessible and inaccessible. This is due to the fact that as we stay growing there's so much new and interesting things that keep taking place. We become faster,more agile, more reactive and we are just getting so much better than yesterday. It is the only way that we live because life and it's momentums is about forward movement. Sometime we stuck in rants that keep us with the momentum of non growth. Momentum that serves to stagnate us, unnecessary momentum to delay the moves forward into change.

It takes time for the right momentum to build up even when the momentum builds up, it takes more time to actually solidify the momentum into something one can use to power the inspiration needed to act on set goals dreams and visions. It gets tough as the momentum gained is tested time and time again because the momentum won't stand anything if it won't stand the test of life, time and space. The right momentum will see your wildest dreams come to fruition and help you realise that the only difference between you and what you set out to achieve is the momentum between you and your goals dreams or visions. When change comes along and it's met with resistance that surely means that there is a missing component somewhere in the mix.

This is not basics, it's not meant to be basics because if this makes sense to you then you are on your way from basics. It's almost everything you need to know about basic momentum and the energy that propels you forward to where you most want to be, even just for a moment then you get to move on again. It takes a lot of focus and dedication but most of all it's the truth and honesty hidden in the accumulated energies that will have us pile up enough momentum to move on. Sometimes we move without enough momentum to the set goals and what this does is eventually bring us back to this spot we moved without enough momentum so we will learn what we need to learn indeed to move on.

There's different ways that we pick up momentum some healthy some unhealthy. Some chosen some sudden, but what really happens is that we get reminded of certain placements in our being that get ignited to let us flow. This flow comes from the focus we adapt, as we already know, where focus goes, energy flows. This flow of energy is finally freed meaning that there are no obstructions to this flow, it's free and uninhibited. Normally the inhibition of energy equals to diseases, calamities, discomfort and all other things we don't quite want in life. The realisation that momentum is a release of these blockages so energy flows with focus, there is no going wrong with this. So when momentum comes to play, rejoice! We stay so happy and feeling good because the good feeling brings more momentum.

We like to keep this really general because in the momentum of things, it's the detail, the basics that matter the most. This is because in the heat of things and mix ups, we can always trust to go back to the basics and the details will shine our way. We will be able to see and perceive the improvements that brought forth the momentum so even if it's a set up, it would still require the basic energetical release to get the momentum on.

Sometimes we fall for the jokers traps, sometimes we lose the hold of wonderful hands or we go off in the wrong direction to some urge that will also be more contribution to our momentum. As much as we are the collective of the choices we have made overtime it is also true that the same makes up momentum. Some pains cause us to tear up and cry rivers of tears that floods through the blocked energy ways and soon after that the blocked energy ways burst open, the pain or hardship just released the blocked energy. Some pains propel the best momentum in existence. Its the most beautiful thing when one who was in major pains actually comes out of the pain much stronger by the momentum. Its super hot for this same person who has been riddled with all kinds of subbotage actually doesn't care to take revenge but let life do its thing.

So much of the energy that had been blocked goes to inspired action that will bring forth inspired good feelings. This is how you can observe those with live momentum, they look alive, they feel alive and most of all they are filled with this energy that scream :

"Nothing matters more than that I feel good"


This is because it's inevitable to feel good when you catch the momentum. Sometimes it won't matter which momentum you catch but just catch the momentum because you can change it and direct it to align with your deepest desires. Some of our deepest desires aren't made known to us until we actually adopt the right momentum. Then it's love at first perception. Once we are realised, we have much to hold up in our own right but most will do themselves according to the governing society. In cases when there's more involved we ought to keep calm and carry on. By moving we enrich the momentum with newer endeavours and we keep ourselves in check and we learn so much more that we'd ever learn under the influence. Curbing the influence is a whole issue but when it's done there's no going back.

What it's like to not have the right momentum is like being in a landlocked country and never knowing about the world at all. So the imagine of flat earth or geoid earth is just not there. All there is, is the landlocked country they live in. When everything beyond their land opens up thats when they realise that there is much more than what they believe to be. Much much more than people and material things. As the whole world open up to you and your plans are set free you will be hit with such beautiful realisation that life is truly beautiful and that there is not much to worry about, rather be celebrating all that is present in life wether it's coming off as good or not. Because as we carry on with momentum we reach the realisation that nothing matters more they that we feel good and what this will bring to us is the active attraction of the components most needed for us to best move forward on to other projects that we didn't embark on because on the down time.

The truth and responsibilities that we adopt in life will inspire the momentum we pick up. Some half truths will keep the momentum just enough for use by other entities and persons but never really for anything worthwhile to the momentum host. Half truth entertain mixed and confused energies which means that the truth needs to be whole in all honesty for it to measure up to. And that is the responsibility that we have to take upon ourselves in all ways that we can. Such as in the market simple half truths are something like "buy low, sell high" this is not a lie it's more true than the scams we get sold but there is much more truth to fill up this little truth but the community always acts like everyone already knows it all so no need for longer articles or comments so all who are in the group or platform will know about "buy low, sell high" in all circumstances. The more truth there is to this half truth is that it'll take over 100 trades to actually test your truth to this market basics understanding. It is not hard but also not easy. By taking a hundred trades you will be able to tell where you are succeeding and how of a loss your truth buy low sell high is.

The bestest ways to expose truth is to keep going non stop. If you think that buy low sell high is the truth then keep doing that non stop. Somewhere you will find coupling energies that will let you know that you are doing good and that you have found the truth if truths. If the watch must go on then you still need to keep going non stop. If something like fluoride or inorganic produce is not your truth then avoid these non stop and you will reach your truths. This is a point to prove again and again where we put our focus on, energy flows. As we keep growing more of what we put our focus on grows,it' gets better,we get better. More components that align with our path will start dropping into our surroundings to complete the part that they are most fit for. This is how you land that job that you always wanted or get the love that you always craved because you actually embodied that love before expecting that love from another, you had that love for you in your heart. And that the only kind of love you are able to give to that's also the kind of love you are able to get.

If you are unsatisfied with the momentum coming into your energy space. Go back into the 24 hours, how you spend every single second will let you know what is bringing forth that which does not make you happy or feel good. It is the promise of the universe that it will all feel good when you allow it to. Meaning that if anything does not feel good it probably won't belong. This goes for everything even that FOMO trade that looks so good but it's not well reflected on so it will have to wait in the waiting list. That is a perfect example of something that's not belonging, so let it stand aside while you focus on feeling good.always remember that

"Nothing matters more that that I feel good"


Everything in life is suppose to feel good, trading the market feels good on the gains but messed up on the losses. Why does this happen? What are we chasing in this? The dopamine and serotonin rush? The sweet feels? There's more. This sweet feeling plays on how you will it to be released this means that what you think makes you feel good is what will make you feel good. Another person will introduce you to a dish that makes them feel good but for you it will be the opposite to make you sick to the stomach. Does that mean that they are wrong? No, not necessarily, they just have different truths. This is the same for the so called bad people, they are not bad it's a twist of definition but if you do find yourself mixed up in their half truths getting suffocated just do more of that which releases the grand energy flow and you shall see wonders.

There momentum takers or illusionary sellers that will sell you the dream of lost momentum. We like to relate this analogy to the river flow as your momentum and anyone trying to stop your flow as taking a bucket full of you and selling you the illusion that it's all over and done. That is a good example of half truth in that until the bucket water gets back in the river, the momentum flow is limited but the momentum flow of the river goes on and on, most likely to the ocean where it will never stop or settle. Life is like a river! Momentum!


When in the market, let's say you have been in a stock buying position from 10 years ago, which mean you must have some 10 years momentum of experience on that stock wether good or not, you still have something on that stock. What are the chances that you let just anyone noob come and tell you to sell your stock? Almost zero right?

The analogy here is that to buy stocks you are obviously of a certain momentum already and to hold the position for more than ten years means that you are probably in a much better spot of living and maintenance. So the momentum you are having now is not new nor can it be influenced by anybody just like that but you are open to suggestions because this type of momentum is still learning so you take in what best serves you and keep it going.

The accumulation of good momentum will bring you the realisation illusions that come up from time to time just showing that all the great things feared in life have been illusions. If you decide to get more momentum from selling illusions them that's your choice. If you decide to just go on and find peace where you will, that's your choice again. If you decide that you are the most powerful entity there is and stand in your power, the devine will unfold greatness before you. All in all the great momentum is just what you make of it, make sure to understand that people are different and are going through different phases of life, different, just different.

"The way someone treats you, tells you more about them than you"

"The way people treat you, tells you a lot about how you treat yourself"


As people are different none are really going out of their ways to get you to do anything you don't want to do. So it's more like a reflection from you, that the people just reflect what you give them. There's a presence of fear, they'll give you fear. There's a presence of happiness, the people will bring you happiness. In all parts of life this one thing is true, in science all action calls for opposite but equal reaction, in the bible and the Qur'an it is urged that when they hit your left cheek do ye also give them the right cheek, in the street "what goes around comes around", in the air "what goes up must come down". These are just but a few to tell you that truly there is nothing new under the sun so it's thousands year old illusions all over the market stop hunting your trades.

Love n light


Bless up!

$ 2.63
$ 2.53 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @tired_momma
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3 years ago


I feel this. And you know once you lose your momentum it's not easy to get back on track. You need more energy and effort. Cheers to this!

$ 0.04
3 years ago

And that's just what I faced after writing this. It really just helps me know where to anchor myself so I always have that motivation no matter what. I have been keeping it decentralised so it's not easy to destroy, almost impossible. But regaining the momentum always takes a bit of a stretch so I'm learning to make it as effortless as feeling good by centralising some of my motivating efforts.

Its a beautiful life. Thank you Momma

$ 0.00
3 years ago