Found Some Keys | Could They Be Yours

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3 years ago

The beauty of life is all around us, in every move we make, the air we breathe, the birds we long to hear sing the morning songs as we wake up in the heart of nature. Its indeed a good time to be alive. It is said that the devil is in the details, so take care of the details, but would you dare to choose to see love in the details too? Love for yourself, love for logic, love for comfort even when you keep bouncing I'm and out of your many comfort zones?

Here's the thing, your life is likely what you think of it, that it's yours right? Well let's take a journey into our worlds, let's dive deep and create the worlds we have denied ourselves for far too long. We did pass that blame didn't we? We did stay in those places and positions far too long didn't we? We let ourselves get and be dominated time and time again didn't we? Had so many chances (biases)but we resorted to habits that we knew only stole time and confidence from us didn't we? We saw ourselves down so many rabbit hole just to find that it's not the rabbit that lived down there and it's not all about carrots. Well well well, it's been a handful and we are still here!

So what is it about being here that fills us with so much price? The many losses or the pitiful gains? Is this moment of being here filled with us pitying ourselves what we call life? Looking forward to that job that makes us cringe? They say do what you love and love what you do? Oh you didn't hear that? Check this out, there's this thing about love yeah that everyone is chasing and misunderstanding it in the chase, they try to find it in all sorts of place but before they get to all those places they are met with detours. Clearly avoidable but there's an influence that overcomes them, they realize they are not 100% them and so they yearn to find a fix, something to anchor them down in this great sea of life. Its not a joke, try stepping on their toes in some way then you'll realise just how unfocused they can be, we can all be. You see a focused person won't even place you within eyes reach so it will be impossible to step on their toes. But most focus on the odd places to find love : outside of themselves, in someone, something , some activity. Its all within! Yes there's a lot that gets us there but most spend the rest of their life in getting there to only arrive at death, which is not a bad thing, death is a beautiful transformation.


🕉️♾️ 🕉️


Love is the fabric of the fabric of all things, well it doesn't matter if it's scientifically proven it not. What really matters is that you are love,made of love, from love and the most amazing thing here is that you love,you don't hate,only the unnatural hate. The thing about hate us that it's merely love under tremendous pressure, because everything is energy, energy is love, love under pressure is what we call stress, hate, discomfort, bad emotions and all that we deem to be negative. Its all love, everything is love. With that we can carry on our journey, let's start by the hate you got no matter how little it is, it's your responsibility to take ownership of it, so the basic thing about hate us that it is not bad. Having understood that hate is love under pressure, we now know the cure to hate which is not just love as in the immediate effect although that's possible most probably by sex or some drug to get the dopamine and serotonin into the game in seconds. The normal way to cure hate is through therapy, most time the nature of life gives us this gift of therapy. We'd like to blame others for the hate we feel or have but the truth is that we are our own beings. Anyone who crosses our path and gives us the impression of hate, we'd be so better of taking a pause to reflect minute. Stand back and observe the emotional compass within you [the emotional compass serves to guide you to feel good all the time], as we journey through our worlds, repeat this affirmation

"nothing matters more than that I feel good and I feel good"


Don't just recite, actually do feel good. When taking that pause to reflect minute, inspired by the emotional compass, recite that affirmation. As soon as you start feeling good again you will be met with understanding of this hate emotion and how it quickly fades away in the presence of love. True unconditional love knows no boundaries but understands that this hate emotion is like hit water that can cool down on its own but if there is constant firing, the water keeps boiling. This is the same for hate, the more reason we have to continue hating , the more we will hate. Hate is not based on some geographical location like in the West they done hate like the south or something like that, hate will not conform to location. Hate conforms to whatever you apply it to, like all these platform we have to freely pass what we see fit. Hate is not Hanan only love is human, if you find yourself thinking you need to move to avoid hate then you might have misunderstood hate. If you move with the understanding that hate is an emotion that can be transmitted back to love which is the Origional state then you are bound to find that all we ever needed was and will always be love.

The thing about love is that it's all we have, as in our refuge, our protection, our should be indulgence, love is the real deal. Running from hate will take you to more hate, this is not definite but what goes around comes around in this expression the hate you run from as a thing that's in other people, you will soon find yourself harbouring the same hate and resonating with it. Why? Like most people who skip the healing phase, you fail to see just how beautiful the power of transmuting the hate to love is. Its the kind that will center you within your life, you might only be on your way there but you know you can see it and feel it, even visualise it in your vision. The more you step towards this transmutation of hate into love the more you understand that it's just taking firewood from under the water to cool it down and that emerges love,cool calm and collected as if it wasn't under pressure just a while ago.

The centering of oneself after the realisation that hate is a broken inner child vibe, we will ourselves to explore into the realms of healing this wounded being. Do not mistake hate for weakness simply because its an unhealed energy but rather explore the strength within the majestic hurt being, it's as simple as looking into the majestic beings'eyes. The eyes are known to be the best view of the soul from out here. Also the eyes never lie, you might see hate in there but closer look into the depth will reveal much love, there is a detail in the eyes to the truth behind all the hate. The hate is like a mask or a shield to keep the world out by making the world think that it's hated and will get hurt by coming any closer, this is the opposite of the real truth. We all need love.

Most things said in life are full of half truths, it's everything to serve the place from where that truth is coming. Sometimes it's to feed you just a little so that you can bring out the fight in you to fuel the hate in others and so create the conducive environment for more of the negative breeding. What's wrong with that? Nothing really and that the truth that nothing is wrong with negative environments in fact they should exist for us to balance, we'd be imbalanced otherwise. So what happens during an imbalanced state of being? Something like a crash happens that's what all revolutions and wars are about, imbalances. With hate, it's grossly imbalanced on the love scale although it's also love, there is a spectrum of love which shines light on all types of love so hate is on the other end of the spectrum. What are the half truths you ask? These are the saying that lead you on a goose chase, something like "you are all you need" While that's totally true, with hate that has been growing and grooming for all those years , a half a second of half truth won't treat that hate hiding beneath what you don't see, even hours of inspirational or motivational speeches filled with Neural Linguistic. programming techniques will not treat the hate in one session. That how money is made, by keeping you coming but it's also not wrong, this is looking at it from a self love perspective that you'd need to take it slower. The devil is in the details but the devil is love too and this takes going slow, a lot of patience to figure out. Chasing the goose will definitely lead you to places. And discoveries and you might ditch the hate but most likely won't, you mask it away without treating it.

So, whenever you come across some half truth that you feel resonates with you, I dare you to reserve an hour of the least to dig deeper and get the whole truth. One full digest of these half truths will lead you to opening up to everything else in a way that you will love. Goose chasing will fill you up with all kinds of half truth and leave you stick in some place both mentally and physically while convincing yourself to be in your best. Sure I mean as long as it feels right to you right? Its all about definition. Even the hate and love complex is based on definition, name tags that we put on things and people and situations. We find hunger because we know how to eat and be full, we know high above the earth is stars and other planets possibly other beings too because we know there's more than us. We know of hate because we know love, we feel cold because we know the heat. We are Yang because we know the yin. Everything is contrasts and definitions,that's precisely what they mean when you hear them say you create your world or your world is within you. Its all true but it's half truths this is told to you so that you consume more and never think of producing, deplete so that you can slave for more. I'm not saying working is.... All I'm saying is that if you spend at least an hour on the next half truth you will learn more from that one half truth that will decipher most other half truth.

What other half truths, expressions such as gestures, language usage, movements, signals and all details. I've shared a few half truths here too, they are all around us but it's either you use them or they use you. You use them to farther and further your knowledge by going farther and exploring to gain further exposure by magnitudes you would never dream of. Its all about the contrast and definition scale, how and where your mind is at. Its ok to be losing now with an incredible vision of the future as you know that

"The past pales in comparison to the future"


That's another half truth simply because most people spend their life reciting that one half truth in forms of scripture, Motivational quote and other applications. This is a good way to be stuck both mentally and spiritually while thinking that you are making progress. Sure, the vision has you sorted out but what these half truths do is introduce resistance over and over again until you learn the lesson. Everyone is busy learning lessons all lifelong,better to be learning full truths that will actually elevate you than the impression of growth from half truths.

"Next to every blade of grass is an angel whispering "grow, grow"


If every blade of grass has an angel, what about you? A being of trillions of cells, you are born a trilionaire, and every time you Breath in , the air consist of trillions of atoms, you just keep getting rich every waking second. That is why people are grateful to life, because they see that they are enough, they don't need hate to feel superior kr supreme, they know they are just supreme by nature. Each one of us is a supreme being in their own right and light and at no stage should one feel less than superior. This is not about wealth or even health although wealth and health will reflect to you you level of growth, a contrasts into your self love and how you value your worthiness. By buying these half truths you allow yourself to accommodate less than you thoughts. Although this is necessary for growth it is not crucial that one needs to be brutally broken down emotionally sexually educationally intellectually, psychologically just to mention a few ways people are broken. As people pay less attention to detail, the detail becomes the devil to haunt them for as long as he can get it, he will keep getting it until you know your worth. When you embarked on this journey with us you probably didn't think it'd get this interesting, right? Well there's a bit more which is about the comfort zones that we create for ourselves, we got infatuated with these comfort zones, to the extent that growing out is always a threat to our existence. We treat our comfort zones as the ultimate survival hub and our fort,sure this is safe and all but the growth only happens in the comfort zone by adapting to spider like tendencies of waiting for an unsuspecting starlight to shine so we can steal and diminish that thunder.

"Nothing can be taken from you, only the impression is put upon you so then you create that resistance and with it you create world's of lack within ultimate abudance"


Sure everyone is entitled to their own choices and decisions but if we go around hurting people because we got hurt and trying to gain clout by being bad will only attract more bad. If that's the goal then we will be late to that party always but we won't find it funny if we are blamed for being too happy because the love is in the details too.

"When you change the things you think about, the things you think about change"

-Dr Wayne Dyer

Some good philosophers are so genius that with every half truth they tell, they like to back it up with an extension to explain or paint a better picture to the half truth in order to deliver the whole truth. By changing the things you think about will mean that you notice the difference needed to adopt a more fulfilling lifestyle or rather say that you might have found better ways to feel better. So you concentrate on feeling better all the time that it becomes a lifestyle, you then notice that the things you think about change, on their own just by changing the things you think about. This will being you to the realization that in no time you will notice that "nothing matters more than that I feel good and I feel really good"! This is where the manifestations come in, you discover that by feeling good, thinking good, doing good as per your definition things start to unfold for you.


That's an interesting word right? With the simple meaning that something must have been folded to need unfolding like those ancient Egyptian scroll or Mayan scroll, they'd be folded for centuries and only to be unfolded upon rediscovery. This is the same with us,in us lies wells of abudance like scrolls just waiting for us to unfold them to reveal the beauties of life all too unique to us some to critically unique to us that no-one will ever be able to decipher them. Is that a beautiful thing that by changing the things you think about the things you think about change? That your ideal reality starts to unfold before your eyes? But by buying into the half truth, you end up completely resisting yourself?

We like to keep this general not adopting any bias because it is the way of life not just for certain fields of life. We all buy into half truth, it's a question of how long will you keep feeding the illusions? Because that's what happens when you buy into these half truths, you open portals for yourself into areas you don't want to be so you pretend to be growing while the truth to that is only theoretical. Any practical application to that theoretical placement of yourself with growth will get you hating when you find that there are those who are going for the real growth rather than being theoretical about it. Its no easy fate simply because it's easier to live in the illusions because the definition and contrast to your goals and dreams seem to far to reach so you hate away in all hopes that behind that mask lies the time you can put in when noone is around to see that you really do not hate, you are human, you are love and all you really need like the rest of us, is love. All we need is love.

"You don't know half of the abuse" I hear your thoughts screaming at me, well that's a good thing isn't it? That you get to think us into a better position in life.

"You think you are better than everyone" well that's wonderful bit we do not care to be better than anyone other than ourselves, but you clearly think so and it's the thought that matters. Thank you


We are what we make of ourselves, from the food we eat, the fears we entertain, the places we spend our time, the designs we envision into our visions, the taste we have, the habits we drop, what we laugh at and what irritates us. Who we associate with, how we break down, the weight losses or gains, the fights or make ups, the moves or the will to stand firm. The choices of coffee or that last drop of the champagne, a long deep dive into the Bermuda or hike naked in the snow something similar to skinny dipping. All our preferences and choice up to now are what makes us, wether it's painful, pitiful or puny, there's a huge chance to grow and keep growing. We are all broken but we don't need to stay broken, we are not trying to live we are living! And it's a very beautiful thing to live and be alive!

Noone holds the keys but ourselves, even when we are "woke" there's levels to this gig and it's by far the most brilliant gig ever! So with that . . .

"Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for (create) a better tomorrow"

"Imagination is more important than knowledge"

" We cannot solve a problem with the same mind we used to create it"

-Albert Einstein

Cheers to you Deciphering half truths!

I am satisfied with my care!

Love and light


Bless up!

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Avatar for KJPR007
3 years ago


love, faith, and hope...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

If love really requires a reason, then what is the best reason to love yourself? Honestly, I don't understand what love is. Because in my opinion, love is a process that takes time.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You are right

$ 0.00
3 years ago

aha, if I'm right then I have moved to the next level which is how to go through the process of getting love

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It was good to read your article. And real and true. We are the ones who do ourselves throughout our lives and then we go around fighting against others because they did us some harm and it turns out that it is we ourselves who have allowed them to do us that harm. So who are to blame for our burdens? ... well, we are ourselves. Good to read you. !! I prefer to live in love only that many times I forget it.

$ 0.00
3 years ago