I came here to find the nexus point
So I can decide which path to take and follow
'Cause I'm done taking the road less travelled by,
for it only led me and left me wandering around
on the heart of the vile, cold dark forest
I came here to sail through the outer space
and fish every dying star along the way
Hoping, wishing, to come across someone--
Something, that's been exploring through ev'ry galaxy
I'm here to scour every quadrant of the cosmos
Just so I could find whatever the hell it is that I am looking for
I came here to play the symphonies of the broken souls
To sing praises of the mad geniuses who shaped the future
To write scrolls of poems about the deviant and rebel ones
And those who dare to take the leap and was brave enough to face their own death
I came here to immortalise these people and make them legends
To fill history books of stories how extraordinary men and women defied the odds
And how they never listened to anybody else but themselves
This is for who never really conquered their greatest fears but instead used it to fuel their heart and keep the hearth burning
I was born to die but some of us are born to live forever
A toast for the kings, and a song of praise for the legends.
Ho Hey!