My Dream.

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Avatar for KG_Clarissa
3 years ago
Topics: Experiences


l always tryed to achieve what I wanted in this life but sometimes we can’t have everything what we see or what we need.

I have said that I grow up with difficulties and needs like a big percent of world and i have learned that I need to work so hard to have what I need .

This year I changed my status and now things are different and hard for me again. 

Is so hard to leave your family and you home, your birthplace and going somewhere else and live with other peoples.

I always thinked for this before and I always said that will be so hard for me to live “another life” . I don’t know why but is so difficult for me to adapt with this place.

Now my new dream and my new achievement is to have my own house . My own property. 

I don’t like to live in a village because I used to live in a city and is so hard for me .

I hope that one day i will achieve this dream and i will be happy with my love .

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Avatar for KG_Clarissa
3 years ago
Topics: Experiences
