Prombleatic Church Members (1)

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3 years ago

Hello everyone, this is KFT001. I am here to start a series of write up on what is happening inside our local churches today.

Before I commence..

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Am commencing a series of write up on what is happening inside local churches today. It will reveal the inner state of majority of our local churches and if you prayerfully, humbly read and study them, you will know how to address them as a church leader.

People Who Frustrate Local Church Leaders/ Pastors

“I do not frustrate the grace of God...” Galatians 2:21

Let me start this series of post by emphasizing that every genuinely saved believer is expected to serve in the local church with his or her gifting. The local church consists of saved members and shepherds— true Ecclesia of God. Called out to be peculiar unto the Lord. (1Peter 2:9) The local church is a ‘kingdom of priests’ unto the Lord, being led by the pastor/ leader. Every believer that has heard the call, ‘come unto me’, must also press further in the Lord to also hear, ‘take my yoke upon you and learn of me’.(Matthew 11: 28-30). No one is allowed to be a spectator but a worker, contributing positively to the peace and progress of the local church by their divine gifts, either as volunteer or full time workers. I will be forever grateful to the brothers and sisters with whom I’ve served in local churches together over the years. Nevertheless, I, like other church leaders/ pastors, have seen, experience and dealth with church members who frustrate leaders/pastors based on my years of working with churches.

And because most local congregations of believers fail to focus,exemplify, teach, emphasize and show commitment to their spiritual growth, we find all kinds of people inside our churches.

Here are some of those people:

1. “Tradition protectors” – the members who believe it’s their duty to protect every church tradition, whether or not the tradition is still relevant; they are known for phrases like, “That’s not the way we’ve always done it.”

2. “Theological system guardians” – members who elevate their own theological system above any other; they quickly point out anyone who differs in any interpretation.

3. “Zealous critics” – typically young, these members get stressed at anything that isn’t exactly the way it should be; they speak idealistically about how to lead, even though they’ve never led a church.

4. “I’ve done my duty’ pew sitters” – those members who quit serving through the church a long time ago; they attend, but do nothing.

5. “Humbling complainers” – members who grumble continually, carrying the assumed responsibility to humble leaders; as one member once said to me, “God uses me to keep you from getting too high on yourself.”

6. “Threatening financiers” – members who apparently believe they provide most of the church’s budget; they regularly threaten to hold their tithes if things don’t go their way.

7. “By-laws watchdogs” – the members who know the constitution and by-laws almost verbatim; they use the documents to their benefit when needed, and resort to them when they want to exert their influence.

8. “One-cause crusaders” – focused on only one ministry or sacred cow, these members guard their turf with all their force; consequently, they contribute to silos that so often mark congregations.

9. “Anonymous correspondents” – members who express their opinion, but only behind the curtain of anonymity; they write anonymous petitions to authorities; they share concerns, but they do so with cowardice.

10. “’Some people say’ exaggerators” – the members who spread rumors based on what other people may have said; they generally portray a few people (sometimes even only themselves) as “some people.”

11. “God told me” claimants – members who stand on what “God told me,” regardless of whether what God is reported to have said contradicts His Word; they almost dare others to differ with them.

12. “Hypocritical betrayers” – members who are on the church rolls, but who don’t really have a relationship with Jesus; they are known to turn against God’s leaders.

As you read through this list, I suspect you may think of some church members (or, if you’re honest, you may see yourself among this list). If so, take time to pray for them and for yourself . If you only get more frustrated, you contribute to the problem rather than help solve it.

In Pastor Francis Akin-John's eight years of direct pastoring churches, he has always refused to get frustrated by these members in my churches. And in ministry, God has helped him to develop thick skin to them and march on in Gods service despite these problematic members. Some have thereby repented for their shenanigans but others have had to move on to other churches and ministries. Some have even become pastors and church leaders themselves and reaping the bad seeds they down in their own pastorate!

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3 years ago
