Fresh Dews

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3 years ago

Hello everyone, this is KFT001.

I'm here again with an inspiration

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Attitudes are the instruments with which people can use to communicate to each other bindingly on relative terms which in turn presents the sharing formulas between us and God. This formula determines the level of one's portion by blessings from God, that's how largely one can tap from others which definitely lies on one's appreciation for people's successes. It's somehow interdependent because God blesses one when he exhibits positive attitudes towards other people's blessing too. We should at all times develop or hinge our faith in tapping from other people's happiness and joy. That's the essence of showing love to one another and that's also how blessings are distributed through the spiritual network of like minds. Most times, I am tempted to disagree with some people when they say that prayer is the key. I believe that it's the key when you're with the right attitude otherwise, right attitude enhances prayers' efficacy.

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3 years ago
